I'm not very good at scaling chain link fence, partly because I'm not one of the ubiquitous rock climbing/BASE jumping hybrids out there, and partly because I'm a fat boy. So the other day I went to the hardware store and bought a couple 4" x 4" steel angle brackets drilled for (2) 3/8" bolts on each side. I put (2) 3/8" stove bolts through one side and on each bolt I put a 3/8 x 1-1/2" fender washer jammed between two hex nuts. Now, to use this device, one just inserts the bolt and washer assemblies through the diamonds in the fence so that the washers are behind the mesh and then slide the device down so that the everything locks into place. Joila! Instant temporary step. I found the two steps I fashioned to be a very stable platform for climbing the fence. Coupled with a small piece of carpet folded over the barbed wire, the whole tresspassing experience became very quick and easy. Why make breaking the law any more difficult than it has to be? I had the luxury of leaving everything there until I jumped down, but for $5 in parts, it could have just as easily been abandoned in place if retreival was impractical. Does not damage fence.

I also discovered neoprene gloves for tower climbing. I would highly recommend the Northwest Territory brand "Neoprene Sport Glove" available at Big K-Mart for $10. Velcro closure at the wrist, excellent tactile qualities, positive grip on each wrung. Much better than leather work gloves for climbing. Seem like they would be ideal for cold weather skydiving, as well.

If these kind of tricks are common knowledge, then I wish more of it was disseminated in this forum.

Chris Koehler