Regarding the mast at Ridge Hill,there are a few things that need putting straight before rumour control kicks in....the antenna is burnt(big time).The landowners who were very tolerant in the past now have decided that BASE is not welcome at the site.The reason for this decision is that about six weeks ago a group of two jumpers of which I was one, made a daylight ascent of the mast....normally a cool procedure.The horses that are stabled in the paddock that the mast sits in ,were, on this occasion grazing within the inner compound at the base of the antenna, having tried to raise the farmer to retreive his livestock(to no avail) we decided to climb.

At about 250' AGL the mast was shaken by a large impact,which we couldn't isolate.We then continued our ascent, exit and landing.

Approximately two weeks later we returned to make another jump and after landing in the paddock were greeted by a frosty faced farmers wife with the quote "I am surprised you came back after injuring my horse so badly"

We had been blamed for the affected animals injuries who was allegedly spooked by the opening noise of the canopies.

Obviously we were not around to fight our corner,the horse could have been injured before or after our jump,but after the farmers receipt of what I can only assume to be a rather hefty vets bill, the obvious scapegoats were the jumpers.

Maybe I am to blame,maybe not,but at least the facts are in black and white to the best of my knowledge(my side at least).Please dont go to this site because the owners will inform the police and antenna operators and possibly the press,guaranteed!!!Bad PR is worth nothing.

No malice was intended,I above all wished to maintain the atmos at this site because:

A, it was my local object

B, the locals were cool with it

C, the objects available for daylight jumps in the Uk are few and far between.

If there are any constructive critcisisms,views etc please reply