Today I had the privilege of filming (in freefall) the worlds leading aerobatics jumper, Dwain Weston, do a double gainer ( double reverse somersault) from a 186 foot object.

It was precision stuff. Any mistakes by either of us would have meant certain death. There was no margin for error.

Why would Dwain attempt something like that?

Dwain has successfully completed over 250 aerobatic BASE jumps and has been progressing towards full springboard diving routines in BASE jumping. He has been undertaking intensive springboard diving coaching for quite some time and has a history of gymnastics as well. The double gainer was a culmination of that diving training, a number of single and multiple gainer attempts from progressively lower objects, detailed study of video of all his aerobatic jumps (to determine altitude consumption when performing manouvres and during deployment), special packing / equipment techniques to facilitate rapid deployment (including use of a 52 inch p/c), use of a sufficiently weighted canopy that takes minimal force to extract, etc.

Prior to attempting this jump, Dwain developed 100% consistancy in performing double gainers from higher objects and the springboard. The message here is don't go attempt everything that comes into your head without proper preparation and 100% likelihood that you can perform in the BASE environment. Remember that 9 out of ten gainers off the springboard will translate to a death every 10th jump. Nothing less than 100% is acceptable.

The jump was filmed as as part of a video I am producing (release late March / Early April). This video will feature Dwain Weston performing aerobatics never before seen in the BASE environment. Examples of other jumps include: BASE skysurfing aerobatics with 22 second freefalls (yes this is the world record which has been incorrectly claimed by DB), 230 foot freefall tandems, wing suit jumps, cutaways, multiple somersaults with twists and spins from 480 feet, deployment CRW, intentional malfunctions, big ways (including the world record 24 way), attractive female jumpers, buildings, cable cars, chimneys, power poles, dams, waterfalls, 62 year olds, blind people, comedy jumps, and even lots of carnage.

The video will incorporate very innovative angles (a lot more innovative than a camera strapped on a foot), some scripting, original music, and full DV editing.

For more information, don't hesitate to email me or stay tuned for more info.

It was a pleasure to be a part of Dwains 500th BASE jump - HE HAS HAD NO INJURIES due to diligence in skill development. Quote from Dwain "We are not even close to the so called edge. We have a long way to go and the only way to get there is to push back existing boundaries via training, skill development, and some good old courage. This is only the beginning, wait till you see what I have in store for the future...."

P.S. A note on large pilot chutes. I was using a 52 inch p/c on the jump. The huge amount of drag induced by such a large p/c will badly affect deployments (which is dangerous close to the ground) and adversely affects in flight performance due to distortion of the aerofoil/wing. The video showed post secondary inflation/pressurisation centre cell distortion to the point where the centre cells were vertically compressed. This was followed by rapid vertical acceleration for a second with a reduction in flare performance... One factor was the positioning of the bridal attachment point on the canopy (old Jyro). I suspect it was too far forward. A 46 inch p/c is O'K.