So after taking a few years off of guiding, Damian and I have decided to put together two loads into our favorite big wall adventure spot. As the logistics of organizing in Mexico have been quite difficult over the last few years, I am proud to announce that we are able to organize all the necessities to go back into Northern Mexico this coming March 2013.
We are organizing two groups this year , and are deciding between using a Hughes 500, or our go-to Bell Jet-Ranger. Our two group leaders(oh fearless leaders!!) , are still being ironed out. As soon as we get final commitment ... we'll let you know who has come on board this year to help organize the fun down south.
Anyhow you cut it..... it's going to be a sick March in Mexico. As more information becomes available, I'll post it here. Please check out our website for more info.

Thanks for playing!!!