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Thread: Pendulator: photos, please

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  1. #1

    Question Pendulator: photos, please

    Hello there.
    I know that Norwegian chaps invented the pendulator, device for tranining newbies to do the exit in a safe way and, moreover, in a way that you can repeat exit after exit in just 2 minutes (or so).
    I read also that Tom A. manufactured "his own" pendulator.
    More or less I have understood how such a pendulator is made, but I was wondering if anybody could post few photos of his/her own pendulator, just for not starting inventing from scratch something that is already in use and is working well.
    Thanks so much.
    Stay Safe Out There
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689

  2. #2

    Re: Pendulator: photos, please

    I used something very similar to a pendulator when I was doing trampoline training at a gymnastics club a few years back. We called it the bungy-support system. I highly recommmend going to your local gymnastics or circus-training facility, and ask them about it.

    There are differences, because trampoline guys go mostly straight up and down, whereas the basejumpers want to move forward as well. However, even in gymnastics we have used them to jump from an obstacle on one side of the trampoline, to the middle of the trampoline, to an obstacle on the other side, so they can easily be used for the same purpose.

    The pendulators I've hung in on the trampoline had ball-joints at the hips, so you can do front and backloops. Some more advanced bungies even have a hip-ring with bearings in it, so you can do twists in your aerials. I've never been in one of those.

    Here's more information:



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