Any finnish base jumpers on this forum???
Especially from north...after 7 years coming back. And wanna know if theres any good places to jump
Any finnish base jumpers on this forum???
Especially from north...after 7 years coming back. And wanna know if theres any good places to jump
Finland is flat - really flat.
You can jump all base objects in Finland, but some of them are not worth the risk.
There is a good freestanding antenna, which is about 450 feet high. That object has a big and nice landing area.
The base scene is pretty active and all the jumpers are friendly and cool people.
There is not many objects in North though.
You should contact FBA (the Finnish Base Association) and ask them to take you around.
I also posted your message on their discussion board.
If you do not hear from anyone, let me know and i'll give you directions. I can't take you around personally, because i don't live there anymore.
Hi NoGear,
If you are looking for Basejumpers from Northern Finland, you will find two of us, Me (Pete) and AE, rest of them are in the Middle or South.
Welcome to see the Santa Claus in Rovaniemi,Arctic Circle.
Feel free to email me
see ya and Fuck the Finns !!!!!!
thanks guys,
got the contact details saved in my 'notebook'. im still in london. Been around here (and everywhere) for last 6 years so got few loose ends to tie before i can come back to Finland.
But i'll be sure to contact u guys as soon as i've settled. Not that we're in hurry just heard from my friends its still pushing -30C in northern finland.
c y later boyos and thanks again
-23 now, and going down....still too cold...
see ya and Fuck the Finns !!!!!!