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Thread: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: nominee!

    Two events at the world's tallest building.
    250,000 people watched the first, 50 jumpers made hundreds of jumps at the second.

    We musta all been dreaming tho, huh coward 2?

  2. #17

    RE: nominee!

    yes yes robin is my choice!!! he and the BDC deserve each other. he is the man to make it happen for all of us. robin we need you!!!

  3. #18

    RE: nominee!

    hydie stop posting these things to yourself. everyone knows you have so many fake aliases, your not that sly.

    go ahead and take on bridge day if you can. let's see if you can do better than Dennis Avery and Harry! go ahead put your money where your big mouth is :-)

  4. #19
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    To anyone considering this job:

    Please check the yellow pages for a mental health care professional near you.


  5. #20

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    Thanks for the support Gardner. FYI, I posted an editorial on the Fayetteville Tribune site tonight reminding them of how well this event has gone and of the fact the it is the Bridge Day Commission that needs to be replaced for lack of common sense support to the community. We fought them for 10 years trying to get concessions and to protect the privacy of the individual jumpers. When they succumbed to promises we were unwilling to meet in 92 we gave it up. Thanks to Avery, Dennis, Harry and several others, they kept it alive after a few troubling years, but alas, I think the paranoia and ultra conservatism of the last several years have gotten the best of a Bridge Day Commission who is charged by West Virginial law to put on the event. A great loss to them and a great loss to us. Probably the greatest loss however is the the true celebration of the human spirit that Carl Boensih stood for and the West Virginia pioneer who broke the sound barrier, Chuck Yegar stood for. I'm glad Columbus didn't try to sail without charts into an unknown sea today. We sure as H-ll wouldn't be here, they would have called him a nut or who knows, maybe a terrorist. I just hate to see the world lose its spirit of adventure. Sure will be boring. Oh well, there are other places. KEEP JUMPING BASE JUMPERS and remember to always have fun but PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL.
    Rick and Joy

  6. #21
    imported_Tom Aiello


    >Submit to law enforcement on or before
    >September 1, 2002 the name, date of birth,
    >address, and social security number of each
    >jumper, support staff, and media associated with
    >the BASE jumping component of Bridge Day 2002.

    Does this mean that the event would be limited to U.S. Social Security Number holders (generally U.S. Citizens and aliens with work permits)?

    Would foreign jumpers be banned on the basis that they had no SSN?

    Does anyone know if the BDC has considered this question?

    --Tom Aiello

  7. #22

    RE: SSN?

    i'm sure the BDC has not considered this. from what it looks like they never seem to consider anything else they do or have done in the past concerning the BASE Jumpers. it would seem that their bridge is for USA residents only and only those that they approve to be worthy.

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