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Thread: Bridge Day

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Bridge Day

    Would anyone if the ex-Bridge Day BASE Jumper event Coordinators, Curley, Larry, Mo, also known as Avery,Dennis,Harry are going to show up at this years event ? Larry is the only cool one of the three stoogies !

  2. #2

    RE: Bridge Day

    Why you dissing these guys? No matter what the arguments they had with the WV people, they did in fact run the show for several years and not kill anybody and not many injuries.

    That's the main thing and they did piss some jumpers off with how they ran things, but some jumpers get pissed off about anything anyway so leave them alone and respect them for what they did accomplish.

  3. #3

    other news

    Swedish researchers have determine that the french fries cause cancer. A carcinogen called Acrilamide in the deep fried food. The World Health Organization has called special session, causing International concern.

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