Last week i went from a little over 500hundred feet and opened in 2 seconds.
I pulled............. then got the body slamming shock of my life.
By way of anology, I got hit with a kidney punch several years ago when boxing and it instantantly floored me.Everything for a micro second went white. then black dots in the whitness. Then I was ok.
That's what happend on this jump. Whitness, black dots and recovery. For the microsecond that I was out I had gotten into line twists. I kicked hard while pulling the risers with my hands for separation. I was out of them in a couple of seconds.
I made a safe landing.
I still don't know what caused it, but it was a shocking surprise.
My whole upper body, back, waist and traps, was sore for a week.
Too bad we did not have it on video and the answer may have been found.