What about this.
A 45 minute ride to the falls is $15.00.
The ride 1 way from the landing area is less than 5 minutes but cost $7.00.
They only use 1 tank of gas for all day. That is about 5 gallons.
What about this.
A 45 minute ride to the falls is $15.00.
The ride 1 way from the landing area is less than 5 minutes but cost $7.00.
They only use 1 tank of gas for all day. That is about 5 gallons.
I don't want to single you out or piss anybody off, but this type of attitude is exactly why objects DO get shut down. If you think the Perrine will soon be shut down, then what are you doing to prevent it? EVERY BASE JUMPER is responsible for his/her actions while at legal sites and he/she should act responsibly and lawfully. If we cause no trouble and follow the rules, then there is NO reason for it ever being shut down. All it takes is one idiot to ruin it for everyone and I intend to help prevent this in any way I can.
You are jumping the Perrine for FREE, my brother. What are YOU doing to pay it back? You can start by following all rules and regulations (written or not), don't jump in large groups (it's distracting to motorists), don't jump from the rail, don't cuss in front of whuffos, etc. You can also help by keeping your fellow BASE brothers on the right path when THEY don't follow the "rules".
Please read the latest RockHopper magazine from the CJAA that lists the do's and don'ts at the Perrine. You can get a free copy by going to www.cjaa.org.
So, instead of looking at bridge jumping as a right, perhaps understanding that it's actually a PRIVILEDGE will make it legal forever!
Jason Bell
Cliff Jumpers Assoc. of America.
>>I plan to make as many jumps as I can off this place before it gets shut down.
I can't believe that after a year, you're still mad at me just because all of the local babes thought that I was a hunka burning love. I can't help it man, its a plague that I have to live with. Maybe it wasn't JUST my big muscles and wonderful personality, maybe chicks dig a guy who is old enough to rent a car. Riding a bus from Salt Lake City is a tough way to pick up the babes, you should know. If your not doing anything Aug. 1st thru 8th, meet me in Twin Falls and we can have another contest who can get the most compliments from the girls.
base 516 :'(
>You are jumping the Perrine for FREE, my brother. >What are YOU doing to pay it back? You can start >by following all rules and regulations (written or >not), don't jump in large groups (it's distracting to >motorists), don't jump from the rail, don't cuss in >front of whuffos, etc. You can also help by >keeping your fellow BASE brothers on the right >path when THEY don't follow the "rules".
Uhh...better take a look a the pics from Perrine in the photo gallery...I beleive you will see the president of the CJAA standing atop the very same rail that you are referring to...Are ya sure you guys know the rules? Don't normally like to complain but hypocrisy doesn't do too much for me..........
...Just figured I ought to claim responsibility for the above post before the bitc(hin' starts...I don't want to be guilty/accused of not identifyin' myself when posting statements that may upset some of the high timers...........Stay cool and keep a LOW profile...................BASE 704
My name is...TJ Mac Arthur...BASE 704
I need Blairs, yours, and Vic's emails. I'm putting together a sort of local mesage thing so we can talk about trips and post safe pictures. It will be private to only the locals around here.
Hi Broke,
As a pickup boat driver in Norway, I wish to pick your figures,
"Each boat ride carries 12 jumpers ($84.00 a load) and it less than 1 gallon of gas to make that trip. So there is a profit of $83.00 per load."
Not only is there
a. wear/tear/maintenance on the boat/motor that costs,
b. The boat costs also,
c. there must be somebody to be paid to drive the boat..
d. and maybe even docking privileges,
d. Or build an owned dock themselves along with
e. access to the dock,
f. and of course the passenger for hire fees,
g.the certification and licensing for the boat
h. commercial license,
i. yearly inspections
j. the experience these guys had to acquire to even paddle a canoe as a child to become seaworthy pilots and captains to standby and wait
k. to pull injured out of the water,They are probaly even safety trained by the Red Cross,US Coast Guard and or Experienced BASErs.
l. taxes,,
m. and of course they need a place to stay, they probaly even have to eat and drink...
n. and of course the permit.
Broaden your view, if you are really broke, offer to help them in any capacity and you can probaly get a really reduced rate or even a perm free slot..
Just show them your love for the sport. Or continue on with this senseless tirade just to prove you can save a few bucks and be a hero on gettin over on supporters to boost your ego...Didnīt ya even skydive enough to know that normally prices are raised at boogies, and/or you have to pay a registration fee?
Go ahead, pick apart everthing i said, ya still wonīt justify 83USD profit per load, Did ya ever think about becoming a packer to support your jump habits? It works quite well.I have very easily 125,000 miles flying to destinations, = to 5 times around the world, and yo! started with 200USD
So who you tryin to ######.
Flame away,
Take care
If Mick still chooses to stand on the rail, then shame on him. Perhaps the photo is old, before everyone started discouraging standing on the rail?
Either way, lets focus on the issue and keep it legal.
Jason Bell
Hey guys,
I didn't mean to start a fire storm with my post.I figured it was a touchy subject. after reading all the posts, I think post # 1 sums it up the best
"Bert + Don = good carma". Good luck to "Jump The Snake", but I think I'll stick with Burt and Don. Like we always say at work, " if it aint broke, don't fix it"
BASE 516
You lazy son's of bitches don't know how good you have it. If you don't want to pay, WALK out and shut your dripping GASHES!
Well, if you looked at the date of the photo, I was standing on the rail back in 1998/1999. This was [h2]BEFORE[/H2] Twin Falls asked everyone not to stand up there.
It has been a long time since I have jumped from the hand rail.
If I send $25 to the Rockhopper who gets the money? where does it go? Is it really for the IPBC's next event?
I figured that picture of Mick on the rail was old. If anyone's done anything for the preservation of legal sites, Mick's the man. He wrote tons of documention on jumper licensing, site ratings, and other stuff that will come forth if they ever try to close the door on us.
Jason Bell
...Well...for starters, when lookin' at the pics on your site, the only date I see is the "date added", which happens to be a little more recent than 98/99 ...Second of all what I pointed out was a fact...It is you on the rail...I never said anything about WHEN you did it...Nor did Jason specify when jumping from the rail became taboo...Bottom line: the only fact I stated WAS correct.........704