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Thread: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    I know of at least three instances of the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas being jumped, and I know that in each of those cases, the jumpers were aprehended by Las Vegas police. I don't, however, know who the jumpers are or any of the details. Can anybody help fill me in with any of the details of these jumps or perhaps the email addresses of the jumpers? Drop me an email at, if you can help. Thanks.


  2. #2

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    I know a guy that jumped it and they didn't even know it was jumped. I casually picked up my canopy, walked to the car and drove away. No one chased me. It was during operating hours. HAHAHAHA
    My secret;)

  3. #3

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV


    Drop me an email, if you don't mind. I'd like to talk to you in private. Ask around if you need someone to vouch that I'm not a cop or hotel security. Surely somebody watching this board knows me.



    PS. Congrats on a KILLER jump!

    You wrote:

    >I know a guy that jumped it and they didn't even >know it was jumped. I casually picked up my >canopy, walked to the car and drove away. No one >chased me. It was during operating hours. >HAHAHAHA
    >My secret

  4. #4

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    Register and give your real name for members to view.

  5. #5

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    >Register and give your real name for
    >members to view.

    Is this better?

    --W. Scott "Douva" Lewis

  6. #6

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    I don't think so. I'll let you know next time I'm there and you can video.

  7. #7

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    go look at this object. this will answer all your questions. trust me. look closely.

  8. #8

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    >go look at this object. this will answer
    >all your questions. trust me. look closely.

    I gave it a pretty good once over about a year and a half ago. The outside observation platform is about 900' up. Outside the first guardrail is an approximate five-foot drop to a concrete floor. About five feet outside that guardrail is another guardrail, extending to the same height as the first. Beyond that is the sloped glass top to the indoor observation platform. It extends out maybe five feet, then there's the dropoff. There are security cameras all the way around the outdoor platform. As far as landing goes, your choices seem to be the roof of the lower portion of the casino, the parking lot, or the street. I seem to recall traffic in the parking lot being one way. At the doors to the elevator that takes you to the observation platforms, rides, and restaurant is a sign that reads, "All persons may be subject to a belongings check;" however, I saw three young foreign men travel to the top of the tower wearing large backpacks, so I don't think it's too strictly enforced. I know the tower is outside of Las Vegas city limits, and it's the furthest thing north on the strip. It's been a while, so I may be forgetting something. Somebody email me at and let me know if I am. My reason for posting wasn't so much a search for facts as an interest in hearing personal accounts of how the jump has gone for others.



  9. #9

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    Look closer...... and the security check is very strict. They specifically asked me if I had a parachute and proceeded to search me.
    Good luck;)

  10. #10

    RE: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV

    shut your damn mouth.

    do not post specifics about a site on a public board.

    don't even mention the name.

    talk with people in private.

    it will get you further along in the long run as well as keep things smoother for others.

    in the meantime, shut yer mouth!

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