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Thread: Perrine in Thanksgiving #2

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Perrine in Thanksgiving #2

    OK, I understand about Bert, he definitely deserves some down time. Does anyone know about an alternative to Bert? Are there other excursion companies that will do the same thing and haven't put their boats away? And before anyone get's pissed, I only ask that because I reeeeelly wanna jump there thanksgiving. Would never use anyone but Bert for pickup when he is available, he is really cool and makes jumping there so easy (but I'm sure much praise has been heaped upon Bert in the past on this forum, so I'm not saying anything new.) Has anyone done the hike from the landing area back to the boat ramp? How is that? I'll walk back if it's not a major pain in the ass.

  2. #2

    RE: Perrine in Thanksgiving #2

    >Are there
    >other excursion companies that will
    >do the same thing and
    >haven't put their boats away?

    Nope. The only other company put their boat away just after Labor Day (and they were pretty bad about ferrying jumpers, anyway).

    >Has anyone done the hike
    >from the landing area back
    >to the boat ramp? How
    >is that? I'll walk back
    >if it's not a major
    >pain in the ass.

    I've done it several times. It takes 15-20 minutes, and is flat the whole way. You'll want long sleeves and pants (you'll want them for the cold anyway) for the vegetation (although it should be down a bit this time of year). Also, beware of stepping in the water that can run over the trail (I imagine cold feet would suck in November). The trailhead is above Centennial Park, right at the yellow gate (turnoff to the golf course), so you'll want to have two cars so that you can drive up the hill.

    You can also hike straight up the side of the hill to the observation area. This is a bit more strenuous, takes a bit more time (20-25 minutes), and should not be done if the ground is icy (too dangerous if you slip and fall).

    Don't forget to call the police before and after jumping.

    Have fun.

    --Tom Aiello

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