02.06.12 Speedflying Jungfraujoch
Nice flight over the glaciers with friends from Jungfraujoch down to Stechelberg. Garmin GPS Track connect.garmin.com/activity/183745380 (max speed is not correct ;) all shot with a gopro 2
Cast: Patrick Pearson
Tags: birgflue, pearsonstyle, Piz Gloria, speedflying, speedriding, Lauterbrunnen, Staubbach, Jungfrau and gopro 2
ID: tag:vimeo,2012-06-05:clip43493563
Date: June 5th, 2012 01:49 PM
enclosure_href: [http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=43493563]
by Patrick Pearson Speedflying