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Thread: Shiloh Inn not welcoming BASE jumpers to pack...for now

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  1. #1

    Shiloh Inn not welcoming BASE jumpers to pack...for now

    So there I was....

    100 degrees out, belly full of food, and walking to the Shiloh Inn to go pack in either the board room, or meeting room when the manager comes out and in a stern voice says "We are gonna have to talk about this".

    I'll cut out the crap and give you the crux of the story. For the rest of this year, BASE Jumpers are not being welcomed to pack at the Shiloh Inn in Twin Falls. Apparently, a group came from out of town and brought their dogs in, they pissed on the carpets, tracked in mud/dirt/weeds, left beer bottles/cans and then left chairs and tables upside down. I asked the manager if she was certain it was a group of BASE jumpers and she said she cleaned both the board room and the meeting room right before, and immediately checked (as she always does) when they left.

    This all had to have happened sometime between the dates of 7/13/11 and 7/25/11 because we were there packing the 12th of this month and the weeks before.

    So with that, using the board room is a no-go the rest of the year, and the use of the meeting room is now on a case-by-case basis.

    So a big thanks to the group who did that...not cool. Not cool at all.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Seriously! I understand jumpers are rebels, but is it so hard to actually have just a little common sense and respect for other jumpers even if you have no other respect?

    This is just very disrepectful to jumpers and all of twin falls.

    Sent from my DROIDX using Forum Runner

  3. #3

    Re: Shiloh Inn not welcoming BASE jumpers to pack...for now

    Being a rebel and being a fuck face are two very different things.
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

  4. #4

    Re: Shiloh Inn not welcoming BASE jumpers to pack...for now

    Quote Originally Posted by nicknitro71 View Post
    Being a rebel and being a fuck face are two very different things.
    Exactly, and this is a perfect example of fuck-facery.

    While I have never been to Twin Falls, if I ever go there I would like to have all the amenities others have worked for and enjoyed.

  5. #5

    Re: Shiloh Inn not welcoming BASE jumpers to pack...for now

    when we were there they gave us a hard time about packin in hallways and only one nice cleaning lady let us use the boardroom.That was in April. Sounds like they are tired of us using them !

  6. #6

    Thumbs down douche bags


    The Shilo was such a great place
    to stay, pack, swim, etc. sucks
    how quickly a few can ruin it for
    the majority who show respect.
    ~Tom BASE1366
    BLiNC Team Member

  7. #7

    Re: Shiloh Inn not welcoming BASE jumpers to pack...for now

    Just curious.... were you staying at the Shiloh Inn overnight, or just packing there?

  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Shiloh Inn not welcoming BASE jumpers to pack...for now

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyThomas View Post
    Just curious.... were you staying at the Shiloh Inn overnight, or just packing there?
    I hate to say it, but that is a REALLY good point.

  9. #9

    Re: Shiloh Inn not welcoming BASE jumpers to pack...for now

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyThomas View Post
    Just curious.... were you staying at the Shiloh Inn overnight, or just packing there?
    Not sure if you were talking to me or not, but I was not staying there. When the manager told me about the incident, she did say that there was a group that was paid to stay there, and that paying customers would be allowed to pack if the rooms were empty. They don't want the obstructions in the hallway for fire safety reasons.

    Anyhow, paying or not, they have been really kind to us. Especially those of us that live locally. I have to agree with those that said it sucks-ass that the minority ruined it for the majority. Dickless morons...

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