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Thread: NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.

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mknutson NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit... July 12th, 2011, 12:58 PM
romanbader Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate... July 13th, 2011, 06:48 AM
Mr President Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate... July 13th, 2011, 01:44 PM
romanbader Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate... July 14th, 2011, 12:25 AM
mknutson Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate... July 14th, 2011, 02:29 AM
mavs Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate... July 14th, 2011, 08:00 AM
creator [langtitle=de]Re: NZ jumpers... July 13th, 2011, 02:57 PM
MBAPATTO Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate... July 18th, 2011, 11:34 AM
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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Exclamation NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.

    There was some extreme wind coming into the Valley today and there was 3 NZ jumpers going off of Low Ultimate.

    From witness accounts:

    There where 3 jumpers total, each jumping one at a time.
    The first two both had issue with the wind but where able to land safely.

    Then, the 3rd jumper exits, has extreme turbulence in the air. Then strikes the tram, then landing in the parking lot.

    I hear the jumper is breathing and alive.
    Last edited by mknutson; July 13th, 2011 at 01:53 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.

    I was sitting with a friend next to the landing area. We could see the 3 jumpers well.
    there was a thunderstorm in Interlaken and strong winds in lauterbrunnen. (max. 60-100 Km/h per hour)
    The first 2 opend there parachute realy low, what safed there lifes. The 3. jumper opend his parachute about 100m. over ground. the winds were so strong, that he flew fast backwards in the gondola-cabel.
    suddenly a new strong squall pushed him on the roof (in the antenna) of the building behind him. From there he fell about 10 meter at the ground.
    be aware of the weather in switzerland. it can change fast, specially in summertime.

  3. #3

    Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.

    Anyone know who the jumpers are and what injuries the 3rd jumper has? Thanks

  4. #4

    Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.

    Johnny from the basehouse knows him. he broke his back & head injuries.

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.

    From Ryan's facebook update
    Ryan Scarlett | Facebook

    For all Raz's friends that haven't heard, Raz was in a base jumping accident in switzerland yesterday. By the sounds he is very lucky to be alive...his chute opened but a gust of wind blew him against the guy wire of an antenna, then he fell 10metres to the ground. He is in Bern university hospital, broken elbow, cheek bones and L5 veterbrae. Banged up but still with us! Fly today, heal tomorrow ah Raz. Good luck with the recovery bro all your family in NZ thinking of you, Kia Kaha.

  6. #6
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    Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.

    1 from NZ
    1 from USA
    1 from Australia

    Ryan has a fractured right elbow, a fractured right leg, a fracture at L5 in his back a badly smashed nose and cheeks and a cracked skull

    He will be in hospital a few more days and I believe possibly 2 surgeries to his face the doctors are not sure yet

    He is in good spirits and wants to heal up and jump with his good friends again

    That's all there is for now.

  7. #7

    [langtitle=de]Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.[/langtitle]

    [lang=de]Over 10 years a lived in the lauterbrunnen valley, observed the weather, having hundreds of base-discussions, meeting jumpers from all over the world and sometimes i'm just speechless....some jumpers seem not to realise that they are in the alps!? basejumping is not an "indoor" sport! sandles, sneakers, no meteo-informations, no idea where they will land...? =unprepared! and a very common statement; winds are not efecting me in jumping! (but maybe under canopy, as i lost a good friend in the powerline in stechelberg!) Be aware, check the local meteo and stay safe! happy jumping..[/lang]

  8. #8
    Staff Member
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    Re: NZ jumpers from Ultimate Exit point has accident.

    Glad he is still alive, heal well mate,

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