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Thread: why does CR even have ads and a website?

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  1. #1
    perfecting mediocrity Blitzkrieg's Avatar
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    why does CR even have ads and a website?

    seriously, wtf? it says it's been updated ( i just got bored and clicked on the ad) but it is the same ridiculously shitty website that has always been there, full of outdated info... for instance, that the BJ and ACE do not supersede the Mojo and it will remain available indefinitely... oh yeah? interesting.

    not to mention, it's almost completely unnavigable format. if they're really still in business for themselves, could someone please help them out with a new look?

    i don't see how anyone could actually sell a product advertised like that.

    i know it probably sounds like i'm all pissed off about it, but really, i'm not. just figure if you're going to advertise, you should have something worth looking at and reading.

    anyway, i love my BlackJacks.

  2. #2

    Re: why does CR even have ads and a website?


  3. #3
    they're inventory is corrected though!

    i think adam and his wife have real jobs and PD makes the canopies,

    they're also active jumpers!

    they still answer the phone and answer Ace, BJ, Mojo ques.

    what would be cool Is an Alpine version of the Ace? i.e. trango style!

    CR rocks!

  4. #4
    perfecting mediocrity Blitzkrieg's Avatar
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    Re: why does CR even have ads and a website?

    yeah no doubt... they are the bomb... i just wish someone would make a new website. it just really sucks. ;>P

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