Apex BASE teaches first BASE Jump courses and Advanced BASE Jumping Training

First of all, you must be a skydiver to take our FBJC, please email us for requirements: moab@apexbase.com

After the merger of Vertigo Base Outfitters and Basic Research into Apex BASE, we combined two first jump courses that evolved completely separately for over 15 years. With this strengthening of resources, you can now take advantage of over 30 years of knowledge, combined.
We begin by sending you the course outline and packing video tape. This will allow you to study and practice packing before actually beginning the course. By having a basic knowledge of the BASE pack job prior to arriving at the course, there won't be quite so much to absorb during the already very full 3 day course. We take 2 students max per instructor at any course, assuring you the utmost in attention to your individual needs. We move along at your pace, concentrating on the areas that you are most concerned with.
