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Thread: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

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  1. #1

    Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    I was reading another thread here on Blinc and remembered that it's been a little over 10 years since she went in on the Yosemite protest jump. I can only imagine where BASE jumpers would be today if things had gone better back then. Regardless, Jan stood up for what she believed in (along with four others) and I'll always remember that. I'm confident that in the future, there will be larger, more organized protests that will test the NPS's will to continue the blanket prohibition of BASE jumping.

  2. #2

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Dieing for your beliefs is fucking awesome!

    When switching deployment method is advisable to practice until capable.
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

  3. #3

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Nice attitude, Nick. Do you make fun of every BASE jumper who died as a result of human error?

  4. #4
    Captain Bacongrease Para_Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    You got a PhD. It's DYING.

    Fuckin dago.
    - Harvey
    BASE 1232
    BLiNC Team Member

  5. #5

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Quote Originally Posted by base428 View Post
    I'm confident that in the future, there will be larger, more organized protests that will test the NPS's will to continue the blanket prohibition of BASE jumping.
    If I remember correctly, Aren't you going to pay for everyones ticket in the year 20(??) something for a protest jump..

  6. #6

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    KERNEL Harvey (that's how it's pronounced),

    It must be the Maggot in me or something! My spelling is degenerating by the minute, brain cancer in the spelling region so they call it! Now suck my cock, Emperor Maximus!


    Yeah, jump and DIE for all the wrong reasons and yes, I'll make fun of you until kingdom-come, feel free to do the same when I go in.

    Always touch your PC right before jumping so even if you have the attention span of a goldfish you might remember where it is at pull time.

    BASE jumping is gay by the way.

    Count me in for the big protest jump you are organizing and paying for it off El Cap in 2012 just like those UHUCK guys did, it was an awesome jump, really. Maybe I put together a few jail striped gliesuits for the event, all ROL, Abbie is going to provide the wigs.

    Waking up in the morning with the thought of DYING for your beliefs is really fucking awesome!
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

  7. #7

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Sorry guys, no protest jump is being organized by me. A few years ago, I joked in my signature line about a mass El Cap jump in a decade or two and that I'd pay fines.

    The older I get, the more times I vomit in my own mouth over some BASE jumpers' lack of respect for others....

  8. #8
    BASE Enthusiast SpecialKaye's Avatar
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    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Jason, my convict costume at BD 09 was to tribute Jan's 10 yr anniversary. Didn't know her well but to say HI...she knew who I was and I knew who she was. She made a huge impression on me BD99 congratulating me for a much improved performance, for coming back and for doing it in full pig regalia and doing it right...I had to live it down! She sought me out at the end of the day and gave me the biggest, most heartfelt hug and told me how she was proud of me to have overcome the year before. She didn't have to do that..and she died a week was on the CNN News all the way...the sound of her hitting was on the news...I watched it. January 2000, Dennis posted that he had gear for sale and by fate and luck, I got the rig that he made for her that she was supposed to get as a present for the protest jump. I was honored and I think of her every time I put that rig on.

    Nick, Jan is no longer with us. She died trying to make a difference in the sport. I'm sure Tom Sanders is real appreciative to read your venom about his wife. You obviously have no respect for the dead. I can only imagine what you must have to say about Skypunk, Dwain Weston, Dr. Nic Hartshorne...the real Dr. Nic...Slim and the list goes on. How about Shane? There's times and places for the appropriate venom, but when we're discussing someone that's no longer here, FIND SOME FUCKING RESPECT OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!

  9. #9

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    She was a real chick among a whole bunch of dudes.... miss you Jan.

  10. #10

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Jason, choking to death in your own vomit is awesome!

    The current global world does not even know how to spell mutual respect with the exemption of Japan and a few other already nationally wise countries. I guess weak nuclear radiations after nuking are correlated with the increase of national wisdom. Hot pussies help too...that woman from Tokyo!

    In a way it's great, respect has to be earned, you can't just demand respect, hear that Jason? And fuck pride too! Pride my ass. The words to remember are self-confidence and taking pride in your work.

    Also, respect should be reserved for the things one does not the words one speaks, hypocritical bitches!

    Respect the cock, assholes! And lick all the pussies, PU S s ie SSSSSSSSSSS!
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

  11. #11

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Quote Originally Posted by nicknitro71 View Post
    Jason, choking to death in your own vomit is awesome!

    The current global world does not even know how to spell mutual respect with the exemption of Japan and a few other already nationally wise countries. I guess weak nuclear radiations after nuking are correlated with the increase of national wisdom. Hot pussies help too...that woman from Tokyo!

    In a way it's great, respect has to be earned, you can't just demand respect, hear that Jason? And fuck pride too! Pride my ass. The words to remember are self-confidence and taking pride in your work.

    Also, respect should be reserved for the things one does not the words one speaks, hypocritical bitches!

    Respect the cock, assholes! And lick all the pussies, PU S s ie SSSSSSSSSSS!


  12. #12
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Oink's Avatar
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    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Quote Originally Posted by nicknitro71 View Post
    Jason, choking to death in your own vomit is awesome!

    The current global world does not even know how to spell mutual respect with the exemption of Japan and a few other already nationally wise countries. I guess weak nuclear radiations after nuking are correlated with the increase of national wisdom. Hot pussies help too...that woman from Tokyo!

    In a way it's great, respect has to be earned, you can't just demand respect, hear that Jason? And fuck pride too! Pride my ass. The words to remember are self-confidence and taking pride in your work.

    Also, respect should be reserved for the things one does not the words one speaks, hypocritical bitches!

    Respect the cock, assholes! And lick all the pussies, PU S s ie SSSSSSSSSSS!
    Italian way to be...

    Quote Originally Posted by base719 View Post
    I have viewed the video of her fatel BASE jump several times including a study of her shadow on the wall. Conclusion: she never moved her arm. She did not attempt to pull.
    Wait a moment mean...intentionally?!? (question, no sarcasm)
    "Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 ft/sec, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter"

  13. #13

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    I have viewed the video of her fatel BASE jump several times including a study of her shadow on the wall. Conclusion: she never moved her arm. She did not attempt to pull.

  14. #14
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Quote Originally Posted by base719 View Post
    I have viewed the video of her fatel BASE jump several times including a study of her shadow on the wall. Conclusion: she never moved her arm. She did not attempt to pull.

    Watch it again a little closer.

  15. #15

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Watch it again a little closer.
    I've seen the video too (from the top zoomed in) and she most definitely tried to pull. Were you drunk when watching it or just trying to slander Jan?

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