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Thread: Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    Location: KL, Malaysia
    Name: Batu Caves
    Exit Point: Gua Damai (Exit platform)
    Height: ~300ft
    GPS: N 03 14.902 E 101 41.225
    Landing area: soccer field

    Prize money.
    Everyone invited to join.


  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    How much prize money are you talking about?

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    At the moment it is RM2000. Still working on getting more sponsors for more prizes, accommodation, etc. Will update when i get more details.


  4. #4

    Re: Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    Quote Originally Posted by hizamss View Post
    At the moment it is RM2000. Still working on getting more sponsors for more prizes, accommodation, etc. Will update when i get more details.

    A month.... people need to plan that sort of trip

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    Totally agree with you. My intention is to just put it out there so if you happen to be around this part of the woods, you are welcomed to participate.


  6. #6
    A Hamsandwich Production Flying_Mike_D's Avatar
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    Re: Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    I can get anywhere in the world fairly easily and on short notice. How far is this place from KL?

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    It is actually in KL. About 20 minutes from the KL Tower. You can look up Batu Caves, KL on the internet. There is an Indian temple at the front and we jump at the back. We also share the wall with rock climbers.


  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    Accommodation, food, and transportation is provided if you coming from outside KL. Transportation is also provided from KL international Airport to Damai if needed.

    I believe accommodation is going to be at a bunker hostel close by to Batu Caves, KL from 14th August until 17th August (Friday - Monday). There will be shuttle service from the hostel to Damai wall and food for the entire event.


  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Malaysia, Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge (15-16 August 2009)

    The Damai Wall Accuracy Challenge has completed successfully. Points were given for landing at target plus additional points for landing on feet. Best of 5 jumps were taken to calculate total scores. Total of 15 jumpers participated

    The winners are:
    1st: Nik Khairul Fahmi
    2nd: Hizam Sahibudeen
    3rd: Zainal Chik

    We had one wall strike and one tree landing. Both survived with no injuries. The jumper that had the wall strike, kicked it off and landed safe. The jumper that landed on the tree cutaway his canopy and climbed down. Both jumper and canopy survived.

    Overall, it was a great success. We had other competitions such as rock climbing, speed climbing, bouldering challenge, and lost of other games for the kids.

    The Malaysian Tourism was very happy and hopefully we can have this event every year.

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