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Thread: Slider Down Or Off

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    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Slider Down Or Off

    Slider Down or Off: Slider down or slider off has long been a point of debate within the BASE community. The fact is that there is no right or wrong choice, but there are right and wrong ways to execute that choice. If you take it off, be sure of your rigging. If you leave it on, be sure to properly secure it.

    The decision is not so critical. If you constantly switch from slider to non-slider type objects, possibly are not too organized or have little rigging experience: leave it on. If the opposite is true then take it off and your slider-off pack jobs will be easier and lower bulk.

    Slider Off pack jobs are typically used on lower objects where the delay before initiating deployment is 3-4 seconds or less so that reefing of the canopy with a slider in order to slow down or soften the opening shock is undesirable.

    A Slider Off pack job is one where the slider is totally removed from the risers thus ensuring that it will not interfere with the deployment of the canopy on those jumps where it is not neccessary.

    Functionally, Slider Off pack jobs are identical to Slider Down pack jobs and are usually preferred by those jumpers that limit their jumping to predominately low delay jumps and rarely switch between Slider Up and Slider Off type objects.

    There are some generally accepted Pros and Cons associated with choosing Slider Down versus Slider Off packing:

    Slider Down

    [table="head;class=head;cellpadding=4;cellspacing=2;border =1"]PRO's
    Easy reconfigurations between slider-up and slider-down configurations.
    Minimal chance for mis-rigging.
    Slider can function as a cross-connector in grossly unstable deployments or . This has saved at least once person's life.

    [table="head;class=head;cellpadding=4;cellspacing=2;border =1"]CON's
    Adds bulk to pack job.
    Must be properly secured.

    Slider Off

    [table="head;class=head;cellpadding=4;cellspacing=2;border =1"]PRO's
    Less bulk and cleaner in the pack tray.
    Can allow canopy to spread further in flight, slightly improving glide.

    [table="head;class=head;cellpadding=4;cellspacing=2;border =1"]CON's
    More complex reconfigurations between slider-up and slider-off.
    Greater chance for mis-rigging.
    Must carry tools and slider to reconfigure.

    Last edited by seekfun; December 13th, 2009 at 05:01 PM. Reason: grammar

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