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Thread: Blood curdling Death Scream.... DON"T JUMP!!!

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) leroydb's Avatar
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    May 2003

    Blood curdling Death Scream.... DON"T JUMP!!!

    No moon, light winds.... country setting... closest house was under 1/4 mile max.

    Climbed a tall stick with triangles holding the wires, It was an OUTSIDE climb to 300+ and I sat down for a couple min. I got my PC out and took the french link and SL/Rubberband off. Once I reset the PC and secured it under my chest strap, I stood up and monkey'd around to the downwind side and hand to do this weird stretch thing to get my feet on both sides of the outside triangles. after that I hand to take ultra mini-steps to get close to the point. I counted down, and took the last step and pushed off. took a solid sec delay and pitched. The second I jumped, I heard a blood curdeling male scream, "DON'T JUMP!!!!!!!!!" I was like, did I reallly hear that? I couldn't have, could I, it must be a mind trick, right?I flew out, 90 right and landed in the field, wrapped up my gear, hoppped the fence with rig on and parachute in hand and the GC had the trunk popped.... good thing the GC heard me hopping the fence.... So much for the 5 min I told her I would take to get back...

    Still not sure how I was seen, unless the dude was sitting on his back porch waiting for the day he'd see a sucide, but changed his mind..... Seriously there was no illume at all... Maybe it was all in my head... but the GC said they heard something besides the canopy open....

    I will never forget the way that scream sounded... It was unexplainable in its reality....
    Reality is the playground for our dreams

  2. #2

    Re: Blood curdling Death Scream.... DON"T JUMP!!!

    can you imitate it on video and then post the video so we can hear what it sounded like?

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) leroydb's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Re: Blood curdling Death Scream.... DON"T JUMP!!!

    lol, I think I already have one example of it on video...
    Reality is the playground for our dreams

  4. #4

    Re: Blood curdling Death Scream.... DON"T JUMP!!!

    so where's it at then

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