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Thread: Base jumpers: The men who fall to earth (Times Online)

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    Base jumpers: The men who fall to earth (Times Online)

    Base jumpers: The men who fall to earth (Times Online)

    What would drive someone to risk life, limb and liberty by breaking into the world’s tallest building and jumping off the top of it with just one small parachute?

    by Yahoo Wingsuit News

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) leroydb's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Re: Base jumpers: The men who fall to earth (Times Online)

    very well written overall
    Reality is the playground for our dreams

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Base jumpers: The men who fall to earth (Times Online)

    It is a nice article for sure
    But I gotta correct a few things in that article.

    I am the 'third' person in the article....the third jumper.
    Any quotes in the Dubai media of me being the 'first' or going for some kind of 'record' were certainly not given by was just some creative journalism 'filler', which we all know they do.
    In fact I'd known about the first jump there and already congratulated the fiurst two jumpers a long time before I had even left the UK to go to Dubai.
    Its here on (you will need to register on the site to view it) • Login

    I had no intention of giving any paper interviews, however the way the legal system works out there is that as soon as you go for your first court hearing, the details of your case are freely available to the public (including journo's)
    Despite being caught on a date after Herve (the Frenchman) had been caught first court hearing was on a date before his.
    , I was called multiple times by papers after the hearing ( yes my contact details were available from the court papers) and I was informed 'a' story was going on the front page regardless of my input. In fact I was emailed the draft story which was extremely damning to me and BASE in general.
    No interview was given...I asked them to email their specific questions and I would email specific responses ( so I could load the answers)
    They did ...and I replied with specific loaded answers that showed respect and diffused the 'reckless, suicidal' etc tags that were in their original draft.
    True to their word the article was on the front page....and despite the typical journo creativity with the 'worlds first' and 'world record' tag ( again...nothing I ever said) the article was ALOT less damning to me /BASE than what was going to be I have no regret doing what I thought was best at the time.

    Both myself and Herve have worked hard in Dubai whilst there, and also whilst back at home to try and educate the authorities and the developers (Emaar) that we are not the bad , crazy guys the 'ignorant' stereotype of BASE jumpers dictates.
    In fact I remain in contact with one of the police officers who was involved in my arrest ,who tells me he has completed his first Tandem skydive earlier this has the Public Prosecutor responsible for questioning me and Herve !
    In my eyes....From people who were at first extremely angry and dubious over 'why ' we would jump off a building...Thats progress.....even if its just a little bit

    A couple of tits back in the UK, including the first guy to jump the Burj think that 'media attention' was my motivation....etc etc and have spouted their usual hypocritical bollocks about that.

    But , these same people accusing me of media whoring.....(two of which anyway), are the people who have courted the media for the Times article and posted a public video of the jump.....and its not the first time for them by any means.
    Despite quite a few offers my story, remains for me to share a little more selectively, with like minded opposed to the sunday tabloids.
    And the day I invite a journalist into my house to view my BASE 'trophy wall' (wtf?) or a pulled out the day I'll stick my hand up as a media whore

    It might sound like Im bothered about it, but really,Im not...
    Its old old news now, but I don't like bad journalism , especially when the sources present information they know is not correct.
    My goal was simply to jump it and come back home in one piece....guess what, job done

    But again, and just so its clear..congratulations to Herve and Donneda for getting this peach first....sincerely.
    Last edited by Zoter; March 8th, 2009 at 09:32 AM.

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