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Thread: 100' bridge jump...blast from the past

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  1. #1

    100' bridge jump...blast from the past

    OK...I've found a better composite image of the 100' bridge jump made back in 1986. See attachment. You can see that it's made up from a series of stills stuck together side by side and vertically. Start from top right and work left. When you get to the left hand side then pan down and back across to the right. This composite makes the viaduct look much more impressive than it really was (is), because there are not of course so many high (?) arches.

    I've had this picture up in the attic for years & just got it down. Unfortunately it's too wide to scan in one go. I had to scan in 4 goes & use a panorama package to stitch the sections together. You can see that the stitch didn't work perfectly in some places...but you get the idea.

    More details of this old stuff are posted under the Golden Gate Bridge question thread, in the Beginners section..if anyone is really interested in this old stuff. If not...then just ignore.

    100' was pretty 'marginal' back in 1986. I guess it still is now...but someone would probably freefall it with modern kit. 100' was a 'pessimum' height for me then...but it was what was available. Higher was better...more time to get things right. Lower was better...less impact speed if things go wrong. Does anyone do 100' freefall ???

    This bridge has water to land in...but it's not vey deep. Most of it you can stand up in.

    If I get +ve feedback from this thread then I'll see what other old stuff from the 80's and 90's I can dig out. Is anyone interested ? Does anyone care about early BASE history....or is it all on record somewhere else already?

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    Last edited by 2Cats; July 2nd, 2008 at 11:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: 100' bridge jump...blast from the past

    Yes yes, dig more!

    Thanks for those PDFs in the other thread; that was sweet.

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  3. #3

    Re: 100' bridge jump...blast from the past

    I'm not sure what is OK to post here...particulary with respect of copywrite of old stuff. Historic BASE stuff I have got in pdf format include:

    BASE Magazine 1981 - All the original 6 magazines from Carl Boenish

    Jump! 1983-89 - All issues of original underground BASE magazine

    BASELINE 1986-88 - USA early BASE magazine produced by Phil Smith

    The Fixed Object Journal 1990-92 - well of course this is Nick DG's old magazine. I'm sure Nick will have a view on his old magazine being posted here for 'historic purposes' ... but I've no idea whether Nick would be OK with this...or totally against it. Nick ??

    Odds and sods - A collection of magazine, newspaper articles, clippings etc from the 1980's

    I need some guidance from the Moderator before posting any of this stuff here.

    There is also the problem of file size. Check out the attachments here. You can see that most of these are pdf files, which are about as small as I could get them. They are still up to 3Mb in size, which is well over the upload limit. There would have to be a way to do this...but it's outside my hands to permit this.

    To be honest, I would have thought all of this stuff is so long ago that no one would feel protective of it any more....but people can be strange and so I need Moderator guidance before doing anything more.


    Quote Originally Posted by hamsandwich View Post
    Yes yes, dig more!

    Thanks for those PDFs in the other thread; that was sweet.

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  4. #4

    Re: 100' bridge jump...blast from the past

    If file size is a problem, you can zip all the files up and upload them to some site like rapidshare, megaupload, etc.

    I would love to see some of this old stuff... Would BLiNC have a problem with hosting this material, provided the permission issues are worked out? Mick?

  5. #5
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: 100' bridge jump...blast from the past

    BASE jumping has for a long time been about "ask forgiveness, not permission".

    Go ahead and post what you have. I'll talk with Mick about finding a way to host the PDF's in the articles section of the site so they're more easily found.

    NickD is not to far I'm sure. Anyway, from what I hear he owes some paying customers magazines they never received! Nick, this will even the score.
    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  6. #6

    Re: 100' bridge jump...blast from the past

    Stop commenting on things that you know little about. There were some folks who fell through the cracks when the Journal folded. But I paid back as many of them, or sent them mags from what was left over, as I could long ago. We even had a last call here on BLINC (or the other place) and I paid some people I wasn't even sure were subscribers.

    Do you think everyone got a refund when BASE Mag folded. or when BASEline folded, or when the BASE Gazette folded? All three of them went down owing money.

    And this was all long before you started jumping so why are you going on with this . . .

    Besides, if anyone is intentionally being dishonest it's you. You initially ripped-off the BFL, that was my work, my research, and my writing without my permission, after I worked on that for over twenty years, like you had some kind of rights to it.

    And your comment, "Go ahead and post what you have," shows the lack of respect you have for those who came before you and the work and effort they put in . . .

    "This is a beg forgiveness, not permission sport." That's rich coming from someone who lives and jumps in Twin Falls.

    And here's a lesson you're too young (or something) to know. You can be as bad ass as you want but you don't steal from the tribe.


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