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Thread: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
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    The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    Self-regulation means exactly that within a community. We regulate or moderate ourselves without interference from a single individual, or small group. Every one of us has an equal say. Base is a small community, its affairs can be conducted online with easy access to the concept of "one-man, one-vote" except that we can vote directly on issues which interest us, rather than vote for a "representative" as in the "representative democracy" introduced pre-online (i.e. centuries ago) where leaders are elected (or arise) who make our choices for us. Eliminate the middleman. Eliminate moderators or Base egos or "leaders". Let Base decide its own direction. Decide your fate directly, decide the fate of individuals collectively (post deletion, or moderation). We are small enough to do it without being swept under the "decisions made in a back room by the few" carpet.

    The base community has a high turnover rate, and reasonably only current active jumpers should decide the outcome or direction of current, contemporary, or active base affairs. Decisions should not be made by an oligarchy of semi current, or out of currency old jumpers whose ego wont allow them to fade away completely. Jump today, vote tonite.

    Think for yourselves.
    Base 758

    Don't Worry, Be Happy...

  2. #2

    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    My friend,
    Coming from a east coast background, i can say that I agree that we need to self-regulate, however I don't need to be subject to anyone to make a Basejump.We are a collection of motley individuals, in need of no regulation at all other than the old school ways of : You burn my site and I will **** you up. The majority of my jumps are at night and are illegal. There is no need or anyone capable of stopping me other than property owners and cops. i relish my nightime antics to beat the "man" The worst thing ever to happen to the sport is the Perrine Bridge.It brought a skydivng boogie atmosphere to a sport that isn't that. May it fall down, and leave us in the dark. Weed out all none hackers. etc etc.

    Ps I'm 35 now and old enough to run for President. Can i count on your vote?

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
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    Talking Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    You are so right, President, er, 515. I would just rather base jumpers as a group look after themselves and each other rather than fall prey to attention starved "base fakes" who have a pathological need to control and manipulate others. But youre right, makes no difference. Only jumping matters, and it will be very difficult for such ego centric people to reach us as we are practicing the very heart of the sport, dark and illegal, in our own territories. But they will truly darken the history of the sport, and the spirit. And in pursuit of their own legacies, their own "fame", their own importance, and their own finances, they will strut right over top many who came before. And over many who in anonymity are the very meat and potatoes of Base. When was the last time some of the big names jumped a Building? An Antenna? A Cliff? Or an "Other". Johnny Utah got busted just last week, right?

    Im not actually overly concerned about it, though. I dont need to be online anymore particularly, but I do have some weird hobbies when it comes to noticing things, huh?

    Also, having Aiello's fan club send me hate mail is awfully fun between jumping.

    PS. I get to be homeland security minister or Secretary of the Interior in your cabinet after youre sworn in, Mike!
    Base 758

    Don't Worry, Be Happy...

  4. #4

    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    in need of no regulation at all other than the old school ways of : You burn my site and I will **** you up.
    ...this is now being seen as wrong by the majority of new jumpers entering the sport. Most of us had it drilled into us when we entered, most of us still respect the self regulated rule. But as soon as you voice it a few of the new jumpers respond with **** you I will jump my way as BASE is about freedom. This will only get worse with time as more and more people think this way and then teach the future people the same ethos and ethics as they have. There may have been a few that thought like this 5 / 6 / 10 years ago, but now it seems that there are many many more by reading the different forums.

    The fast food generation jumper is starting to have an impact..... Yes BASE is about freedom, but have some bloody manners.

  5. #5

    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    Yes. Long live the x-generation. The ones who have come after us are losers.

    Trucker. you can run the Ministry of Truth. Room 101 has ben reserved for you to do with as you please. A Brave New World awaits us all!


  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
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    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    Very well, sir. A Brave New World it is. And Im guessing (just guessing, mind you) that you have had no difficulties in filling the new cabinet position of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms? Merged it with the DEA did you?


    Remember to have the Secretary of the Interior torture the NPS, too, OK?

    Later, Man!


    Base 758

    Don't Worry, Be Happy...

  7. #7

    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    Quote Originally Posted by base515
    Yes. Long live the x-generation. The ones who have come after us are losers.
    Your sarcasm seems to suggest you lost my point.

  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
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    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    I dont believe that you made a lucid point. I dont think you understood mike's point. He lives in an area that has responsible jumpers and irresponsible jumpers. The irresponsible jumpers infringe on an area he has occupied for years, and come into the area to dayblaze sensitive objects which have been well cared for by mike and his crew. These jumpers dont ask for permission, beta, or assistance; they just help themselves.They make it harder for mike to jump, harder for him to operate below the authorities radar; they jump for media attention or self aggrandisement perhaps. You seem to say this is ok, and none of Mikes business. Mike is saying he is responsible for his area, and acts in accordance with base tradition and historical ethics, and he'll mete out due justice on his own without reference to current political base trends; it is his right, and this is historical precedence. Think Rugged Individualist. Seeing that mike could keep a swat team off his objects if he chose, Think Twice.

    I cant speak to how things are done in Britain, but perhaps the situation mike experiences is impossible in England due to cultural reasons, or because there are not enough jumpers there to begin reflecting varying opinions and viewpoints to cause problems. If there are only 3 or 4 experienced jumpers around, people reasonably get along, and there are few problems. If there are 100 or 200 around, in the US we call this "politics". See also "Herding Cats". Due to changes in base culture and strategy, "Cats" are being brought into the sport who are easier to "herd", for political or financial ends, but a few old world base jumpers remain to continue to operate autonomously, existing not for attention or money or importance, but for love of the sport alone. The old conflicts with the new, and a lengthy period of conflict arises, unresolved by anything but time. This polarity is reflected in all stratums, throughout history, due to human nature; conflict is their very soul, their greatest passion.

    Humans excel at 3 things. Dispersion is one. Building things up is another. And tearing them all down is the third.

    See also World History. See also Interpersonal relations. See also Base Jumping...

    Omni wincit omni...

    Ps. Actually I reread your post mac. You appear actually to be saying the same thing as mike, Im in the bad habit of skimming at high speed. Have I missed a nuance? What point did Mike miss? Perhaps he wasnt being sarcastic? Sorry. I picked the wrong time to quit drugs Head back on straightski now
    Last edited by truckerbase; October 13th, 2006 at 06:52 PM.
    Base 758

    Don't Worry, Be Happy...

  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) d_goldsmith's Avatar
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    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    in need of no regulation at all other than the old school ways of : You burn my site and I will **** you up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mac
    ...this is now being seen as wrong by the majority of new jumpers entering the sport. Most of us had it drilled into us when we entered, most of us still respect the self regulated rule. But as soon as you voice it a few of the new jumpers respond with **** you I will jump my way as BASE is about freedom. This will only get worse with time as more and more people think this way and then teach the future people the same ethos and ethics as they have. There may have been a few that thought like this 5 / 6 / 10 years ago, but now it seems that there are many many more by reading the different forums.

    The fast food generation jumper is starting to have an impact..... Yes BASE is about freedom, but have some bloody manners.
    I'm generation X, barely , but want to say that I totaly agree with your point that you shouldn't burn other people's objects, and manners are important, but I don't agree with "You burn my site and I will **** you up." It doesn't work that way anymore. I have a pistol. Not to say that he doesn't or that he can't take on a SWAT team, but I've seen a lot of this punch people in the nose **** lately and it's bull****. One ****ty thing to consider is that people can and will **** you over through out life.

    This probably isn't practical, but the only thing I can think of to stop people from burning your object, is to setup your own security...heh

    Edit to add:
    Imagine how sweet it would be to have hidden cameras at a rural A with web access. and a wind speed indicator.

    and, Truckerbase what's your real name?

  10. #10
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
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    perigee II

    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    You are correct. Tarring and Feathering is a legend that is practically one incident from being a myth (as Ive said in the past). However, figuratively or literally, people will emphasize themselves strongly with expressions of violence, the equivalent of "I mean this! Jumping this object during daylight hours and being seen ruins my chance of jumping this object again easily, ruins future jumpers ability to jump it in the future, and perhaps more importantly (if nothing else penetrates the cork minds of inconsiderate jumpers) ruins the dayblazers chances themselves of jumping the object with impunity again as well." Humans are a kind of monkey, and when monkeys are upset they run up and down, make noise,and throw leaves, twigs, and poop around in a big show and very rarely actually do anything physically significant. Threat displays abound in simian behaviors. Hard core murderers do not.

    And if outside jumpers invade YOUR object, jump it during the day and are seen, such that new alarms, locks, razor wires, or cameras goes up; what are you really going to do? Kill them? No. All talk. Break their knee caps? Um. No. Probably not. Call the cops? Give me a break!

    Be really mad? Yes.

    But since this reality is handled on a case by case, crew by crew basis the disrespecting jumpers take their chances whether the locals will or wont do anything, and the old bumper sticker "I carry a .357 magnum 3 days out of 7; you guess which three" will be the operative theme at all times.

    So if you dont make a reasonable attempt to contact locals in an area you are visiting or moving to, or at least jump by the tryed and true ethics of night time and stealth, you should ask yourself, "Do I feel lucky?"

    And who am I? Absolutely nobody. Im not a talent.Im not a particularly high number jumper. Im not trying to make money from the sport. Im not trying to control or manipulate anyone. Im not "making a name for myself" as I have none. A Legacy is not my goal, and there is always someone better, as the saying goes. I dont need much attention (although a girl now and again is awfully nice), and you will never see my name in the top anything,in any category including low puller, long tracker, most drugs consumed, or best hung.

    But, I jump. Therefore I vote. I think my own thoughts.I express my own opinion. And.

    So should you.
    Base 758

    Don't Worry, Be Happy...

  11. #11

    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    HAHA! Yeah we were all saying the same thing.... I guess he wasnt being sarcastic and it was me that missed the point....

  12. #12

    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    Proud member of generation x

    Yo Trucker, you need to drop by, we have new sheep in the closet to play with.

  13. #13

    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    And who am I? Absolutely nobody. Im not a talent.Im not a particularly high number jumper. Im not trying to make money from the sport. Im not trying to control or manipulate anyone. Im not "making a name for myself" as I have none. A Legacy is not my goal, and there is always someone better, as the saying goes. I dont need much attention (although a girl now and again is awfully nice), and you will never see my name in the top anything,in any category including low puller, long tracker, most drugs consumed, or best hung.

    But, I jump. Therefore I vote. I think my own thoughts.I express my own opinion. And.

    So should you.
    ...this is most of us.... it is a shame that unless you are a name (or within the clique), people will think your thoughts are not worth consideration... this is a skydiver mentality, and BASE is getting more and more skydiver mentality within it...

  14. #14
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: The concept of Democracy in a technological world

    bump. good thread.

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

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