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Thread: Blinc ****ed?(spam)

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Blinc ****ed?(spam)

    whats up whith all this spam?

    Mick were are ya?
    Have Fun

    Being dead but not dead BASE #!
    Nominated by Spiderman...

  2. #2

    Re: Blinc ****ed?(spam)

    I am sick of trying to keep the spam cleared when others dont care.............

    Its now a Spam Fest!


  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
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    Feb 2002
    perigee II

    Talking Re: Blinc ****ed?(spam)

    The less yardwork you do, the less likely youll sell the house. I figured mick was paying for the site now with spam, but looks like no one likes the house anymore. Poor thing...

    Well, people can always go over to base zone to be controlled and manipulated by the empire building politician Tom Aiello. Yep, yer a bunch of rebels, alright...Itll be even funnier when people have to register to jump Perrine reasonably soon through Tom Aiello, paying him a fee, asking him for permission. Unbelievable. A real indictment of Social Organization and its progression from simple to complex. As the pyramid builds, one or a small group of people show up to dominate the structure, having actually built it by design from much earlier on to specifically accomodate themselves and their world view, becoming socially and or economically central by program. Brilliant but evil, particularly when we are convinced by these persons that it was all our own idea, right from the start. Particularly when these persons interest has less to do with the sport and more to do with getting attention or money.

    Base 758

    Don't Worry, Be Happy...

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) mtnlion667's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Re: Blinc ****ed?(spam)

    Don't let it go Mick!!! Blink was my intro to base. I must've logged weeks of cumlative hours here before I ever even skyjumped. I'll never give up on your site. It is the original and best, no one will ever dispute that. I'm gonna go rally some troops and get them off the dorkzone. too much bs and too many skydivers over there anyhow.

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Re: Blinc ****ed?(spam)

    fly free Blinc

    Have Fun

    Being dead but not dead BASE #!
    Nominated by Spiderman...

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