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Thread: just want to be free

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  1. #1

    Talking just want to be free

    hey guys my name's Rowena (Row) and i'm new to this site. i'm not sure where to start, other than to ask if it's possible to have a burning desire to do something that you've never done before? i live in Australia and the closest i've ever come is when i did my first skydive in New Zealand in Jan of this year. i'm saving up at the moment to go back to NZ and do a diploma in skydiving to get me started. i was wondering if any BASE jumpers out there could describe the feeling (if it's possible to put adequate words on it!) i've been watching some of Jeb's video's and all i can say is that it looks totally incredible i don't mean to get too deep but i've hit a point in my life at the moment that i need to escape and i think that doing something as extreme and mind focused as i'm sure BASE is, is just what i'm looking for. (not to make it sound as though i'm doing it for a quick fix coz i'm aware it will take a lot of time and dedication and $$$ etc). i'm looking for a bit of feedback. i feel pretty lonely harbouring these thoughts at the moment so if anyone could share with me that would be awesome cheers, Row
    Last edited by Rowski; August 5th, 2005 at 03:04 AM.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: just want to be free

    congratulations on your first jump. Get more skydives in and have a look at the Australian Base Board ( As for describing BASE jumps I have to say that you'll never understand till you do it. I always wanted to BASE jump even before I started skydiving so I can relate. Keep at it. Who knows? maybe we'll share an exit point in a few years time! good luck

  3. #3

    Re: just want to be free

    hi Matt. thanks for your reply so why did u want to BASE jump b4 u ever skydived? and how long have you been BASE jumping?

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: just want to be free

    I watched a video on it when i was a young and impressionable school boy! I didn't know it at the time but it was to have a profound effect on my life (and bank balance). I told my school friends I'd do it one day and they were all, "yeah yeah" about it. 11 years later, I made my first jump at the potato bridge with Basic Research (now Apex BASE). That was only last Summer so I'm still relatively new in the journey myself but jumping regularly now and loving it. I guess my point is that if you want it enough you'll make it happen.

  5. #5

    Talking Re: just want to be free

    congratulations on following what was in your heart, as cliche as that sounds i think very few ppl do that which is sad. so i'm guessing you did a skydiving course with BASE in mind? i'm saving up at the moment to do a full-time 8 month course in NZ which will train me to go straight out and get a job with all the necessary qualifications, but i'm wondering how you did it and how any other ppl u know did it? i guess some ppl would get their A licence and so on which would only cost a few hundred bucks (or pounds, whatever) so what would you recommend?
    also, does skydiving training prepare you sufficiently to feel confident and safe when doing your first BASE jump? as i picture it now, standing on a bridge with my toes over the edge, it's exhillerating but bloody scarey too!

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: just want to be free

    The way I did it wasn't ideal and I wouldn't recommend it. I started freeflying straight after AFF and bought a skydiving canopy with completely different characteristics to a BASE canopy. The only thing i did right was to take a course with a manufacturer. I trusted the instuctor implicitly which made me totally confident in my first jump. That's not to say I wasn't scared though, and subsequent jumps have proved scarier in contrast to skydiving where it subsided with experience! I'm reluctant to give you specific advice at this early stage in my BASE jumping career other than pointing you to Toms 'Getting into BASE' article. (

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