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Thread: I had a wire strike last night...

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  1. #1

    I had a wire strike last night...

    Last night, on my 113th jump, I had a wire strike. The canopy wrapped around the wire, hung there for a few seconds, then somehow unwrapped itself, reinflated itself, flew away from the object and I landed completely uninjured.

    Troll 265 MDV, Gargoyle, 38 inch unvented zp pc, large mesh slider, indirect control only, 6 second delay.

    This was a solo jump from a 1000 ft antenna with 3 sets of wires. The conditions were great, barely even 1 mph of wind at the top. I completely nailed the exit and got straight in to my track, I was having an absolute blast eyeballing the ground and watching the antenna lights go past. Life was sweet. I don't do many jumps from this kind of altitude so I took a fairly conservative delay and dumped at not much past 6 seconds. I dumped in full track but my body position felt sound, this was the technically most perfect jump I'd done in ages. The canopy opened hard and immediately spun 270 degress to the right, maybe a bit less (235?). My body was still facing forwards so there was now 3/4 of a twist in the lines. I kicked myself out of the twist and as I was coming around to face the direction of flight I grabbed a riser and tried to turn away but at that moment I hit the wire.
    Judging by the state of my lines (they're now covered in grease ) I hit the wire about 2/3 or 3/4 the way up the lines. The canopy collapsed in to a bag of **** and suddenly everything stopped and I just hung there. I stared at the canopy, not really believing what I was seeing. I looked at the wire, it was too far away to grab. I stared at the canopy again. I decided I was stuck here and that I was going to have to phone the police. Then the canopy started to move and I changed my mind. Now I was going to slide all the way down the wire. If I was lucky I'd survive the impact with huge injuries and I can't really describe how little I wanted that to happen. Then, before I could really tell what had happened, I was back under an inflated canopy flying away from the object. I was in the wrong setor (ie I'd passed through the wires) but the canopy seemed to be flying ok and I even stood the landing up.
    Once I'd landed I just sort of stood there, still not really believing what had just happened. My hands were shaking. I collected up the canopy and started walking out but was in such a state that I wasn't really paying any attention to where I was going and got a bit lost. When I eventually got back to the car (probably half an hour later) I called my BASE pappa and babbled down the phone for a bit. Thanks Craig! Then just sat there trying to calm down before driving home.

    To say that I got lucky would be a major understatement. People have suffered far worse consequences from far less severe accidents. This is a good example of having done everything right (the packjob was good, the conditions were good, the jump was good) and still things can go very wrong.
    When I landed, apart from being suprised at being alive I was really angry that I'd "let" the whole thing happen. I felt that I'd reacted really badly and that I should have been able to avoid the strike but now I don't really know - I don't have a clear memory of exactly what happened.

    I'm resigned to the fact that I've trashed the lineset, they're covered in grease and in a right state. But even if I've trashed the whole canopy you won't find me complaining.


  2. #2

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gus937
    Last night, on my 113th jump, I had a wire strike. The canopy wrapped around the wire, hung there for a few seconds, then somehow unwrapped itself, reinflated itself, flew away from the object and I landed completely uninjured.
    Holy cow man, let me be the first to say congrats on walking away. Do you think you will find any probable causes? And though you mentioned you were upset at yourself for not avoiding the situation, what specifically do you wish you had done?


  3. #3

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    I'm not expecting to find an obvious cause. I will give everything a thorough examination tonight but I think this may get chalked up to the black death factor.

    what specifically do you wish you had done?
    I have this idea in my head that I could have turned the canopy away or stopped it on the risers before I kicked the twist out (ie whilst I was facing the opposite direction to the canopy). But my memory is all pretty confused. I also have a vauge memory of there still being a twist even when I'd turned my body to the canopy's direction of flight and just as I hit the wire. I don't know. I have no real concept of how long there was between opening and strike so it's difficult to analyse my reactions.


  4. #4

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gus937
    This was a solo jump from a 1000 ft antenna with 3 sets of wires. The conditions were great, barely even 1 mph of wind at the top. I completely nailed the exit and got straight in to my track, I was having an absolute blast eyeballing the ground and watching the antenna lights go past. Life was sweet. I don't do many jumps from this kind of altitude so I took a fairly conservative delay and dumped at not much past 6 seconds.
    I am really glad you are ok!

    No-wind conditions are the most deceptive and the most dangerous for a tower jump - worse then the wind down the wire. In such conditions you must track well and pull low, ideally low enough to land before you hit an object. A conservative delay is actually the worst thing you can do here, short of no pull at all.



  5. #5

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    Yuri I think you are probably right about that. I like to jump in nil winds because it's so calm up there, but in the event of a 180 you're much better off with enough of a tailwind to stop any forward movement towards the tower.


  6. #6

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    Glad you walked away m8

    Did you factor in cable position when you decided your delay?

    At least it gives you a good "no sh1t, there I was..." story


  7. #7

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    Did you factor in cable position when you decided your delay?
    Not really but I've been thinking about it since. I noted where the cables were on the climb up but my choice of delay was more down to me being soft than anything else.


  8. #8

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    So, you get video or what?
    That will be sure to make the carnage section of the next Team Crank video.


  9. #9

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    Whoa! glad you are ok mate............ that sucks! glad everything went well dude in the end.............

    Can you humour me and meet for a beer / or call me and discuss the techie side with me once you got over the "oh phuqk" factor..............

  10. #10

    Re: So what, i had a wank!!!


    mate.....did you poop in your pants. Admit it man, not even a turtle's head?No one would think any less of you.

    Glad you're okay.

    Like Yuri said....tailwind bad.

    love, kisses and a likkle cuddle


  11. #11

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    Hey Gus.
    How Ya Like that SHiiiiiiT ???? Staring @ the Antenna Wires or a Cliff-Face with line twists.
    Been there a couple times, like I am sure a few others Have also.
    What your Number-One priority after Altitude Awareness and PULL ???

    You had a sweat delay with good body positioning and Wham !
    You Got Line Twists.
    A Tail Wind is an nice extra bonus to your Tower jump.- Not that Necessary.
    Counting your Guy Wires on Free-Fall - Not That Necessary.

    You can not every forget your No.# 1, Most Important priority after you pitch and get Canopy inflation.
    Your - Canopy Heading - overrides every priority. That is Number one. # 1
    The ONLY thing you should be concerned about is Your Heading.Getting a handle on Fixing the Canopy Malfunction, (line twists) That's comes after you point yourself in the Right Direction.

    You need to reach-up or climb-up ABOVE the Twist and Pull a Rear Line Set.
    Get a handle/control of the Canopy Heading. It will still Turn even with twists.
    I have saved my Ass a couple of times by doing just that.

    To much Kickin. Not enough Turning........
    Not Preaching / Just Fact.

  12. #12

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    So Ray even with half a line twist you start steerin before kickin....I know it makes sense heading priority and all that but how hard it is with half a twist rather than a full one or more?

    Its worth thinking about beforehand and having a gotta make a fast decision on the direction you are travelling and objects in your path with complication of travelling blind backwards and the disorientation of the twist thrown in.

    Probably a drill worth trying on an easy jump/skydive

  13. #13

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Losli
    To much Kickin. Not enough Turning........

    And pulling on a rear line set above twists is something I visualise before each jump...but when it came down to it I instinctively kicked the twist out first.


  14. #14

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    After I open and my Canopy is facing or I can see the object I just Jumped off of.
    The first thing my brain tells me is. "Turn and Run Away"
    I got a old snap-shot of my Canopy facing a Building on a slider-up, 180 off heading.
    My hand and head are up doing a Riser/Heading correction.but my lower-torso (waist down to my feet) has not caught up to the situation yet. My feet look like they are still pointing away from building. Granted the opening was a fast/snap 180 deg. slider-up. but a good example of,... "don't think just Do."
    Surprising how fast you can move when you are Really Scared.

    In Skydiving that's the first thing you do after line twist on opening is Kick-Out.
    It's a hard habit that you got to break. With a Jumper that has a lot of skydives that starts to BASE jump.
    It's probably more engrained in a Brain-Muscle-Reflex, Habit that is going to be even harder to consciously over-ride when in a stress situation of line twists.
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  15. #15
    Fork And Spoon Operator ZegeunerLeben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: I had a wire strike last night...

    >>Holy Flurking Schnitt! Sounds like your canopy inflated as you started sliding down the guy wire. Man I hope you thanked god, allah, buddah, the great pumpkin and everyone else for that one. Glad you walked away from it bro. I bet next time you have twisties you'll be all over it!

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