View Poll Results: Does is count as a Building or Crane Jump?

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Thread: Crane or Building poll

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  1. #1

    Crane or Building poll

    I am in a current debate about an object and would like to pose the following question for a poll:

    Hypothetically ;) If there is a 70 foot crane on top of a 200 foot building and you jump the crane, is it a building jump or a crane jump?

    The crane is not high enough by itself, but technically you launch off it, so...

    Votes anyone? B or Crane?

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Crane or Building poll

    ..,For me it's a other (crane)
    the exit point is on the crane not on building !
    just my simple opinion&

  3. #3

    Re: Crane or Building poll

    Quote Originally Posted by #726
    ..,For me it's a other (crane)
    the exit point is on the crane not on building !
    just my simple opinion…
    would an exit off scaffolding above but attached to the building be thought of as other then?

    this sort of discussion always amuses me.................. in the end, who cares. Unless you are using it for the gain of a #, then I think in your heart of heart you will always know what the object is. In the end they are all low altitude parachute deployment experiments and we are the scientists that enjoy carrying them out!! hehehe

    back to your question, in simplistic terms for me initially, If the crane over hangs the B by a good deal I would say a crane jump, but if you have almost no over hang then I would say a B. But obviously this opens up more questions and I guess we could all come up with theories about when one is one and the other is the other.................

    I always liked Skins rule of thumb - ask that 5 year old what he thinks ........ normally he is right...........

    edit: Sorry I hope you dont mind, I added another option to your poll!

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Crane or Building poll

    [QUOTE=Mac]would an exit off scaffolding above but attached to the building be thought of as other then?

    ...In this case the my theory to flop...
    but for me in the first case remain a crane&

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