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Thread: Eiger Mushroom

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  1. #1

    Question Eiger Mushroom


    can anybody get me in touch with an expert on the Eiger mushroom?

    I'm trying to find out if the Mushroom is in the Rotstock area. I'm not considering to jump it, but the climbing and hiking there is great too. The Swiss-German name for the Mushroom would be welcome too.


    Jaap Suter

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) leroydb's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Re: Eiger Mushroom

    i think robert might know a bit....
    Reality is the playground for our dreams

  3. #3

    Re: Eiger Mushroom

    The German name is "Känzeli" but also called "Pilz" (mushroom).

    From the Eigergletscher station turn around the S foot of the Rotstock. Follow the path till you are between the Rotsock and the SW ridge/edge. Continue to climb right. Then, there is a corridor quite steep with snow to climb. After the corridor, take left and then straight till the W ridge/edge. You will be at the bottom of "Frühstücksplatz", and just a bit below you have the Känzeli".

    If you want to get there and do not know the region, it is better to take a guide.

    have fun
    Jerome J. Switzerland

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) fastpete's Avatar
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    Aug 2004

    Re: Eiger Mushroom

    when are you going there?
    i think robert is the one to get in touch

  5. #5

    Re: Eiger Mushroom

    Hello Jaap

    In case you need a Guide, I am a Guide, and I can put you in contact with some in case I am not around, fees for a Guide are about 400 Swiss Francs a day.

    (If you want to hire a heli, don't ask me, you probably don't want to hear my answer ;-))

    The eiger face first has been jumped somewhen in the 90ties by a french. I think the spot was called "L'oeil d'Isabelle" or something and I would say that it got repeated by an American and the Swiss, which opened most of spots down the Valley back in the 90ies too.

    It has been fortunately rediscovered by another Swiss in the new millenium. (I am not 100% sure on this info, if someone knows, please tell me)

    The exit is about 3000 meter (The Eiger is almost not a 4000 er peak) above sea level and is inbetween the Gevena Pillar and the North Face near the Japanese Route.

    To go to the Mushroom, if you are in a real good shape you might do 2 jumps (in 2 hours walk) in a morning (in the afternoon in summer the conditions are not that good anymore, fog, wind). You need to have a bit of climbing skills, since in half-way up there is a vertical section to pass, where there is a static rope.

    Bring climbing harness and 10meters of rope, you need to jump on the mushroom, which represents a maybe 2meters forward and 1 meter down gap. It is easy as it could be mentally hard to jump on it (I wouldn't rely that there is a tyrolean installed on it).

    For the jump, best is, as usual someone with experience shows you how to jump it. In my opinion:

    you can, without tracking gear:

    - do either 8 secs without tracking
    - or 22-23 seconds and pull above the trail (real real good tracking skills)

    Inbetween you shoudn't pull, since you might be too close to the wall (although, in case of, there are three steps which might make additional separation to the wall).

    With tracking stuff and wingsuits, I don't know (2 mins??).

    I hope it helps

  6. #6

    Talking Re: Eiger Mushroom

    Hello Jaap,

    Check out for some photos of the route/tyrolean/jump.

    The climb took us approx 5 hours from Eigerglescher (or however it is spelt), it was summer but the day after bad weather so the rocks were covered in verglace. The fixed ropes were in poor condition in places; the sheath was frayed through and some of the core as well. Best to use them as back-up or for piece of mind only. In the fixed rope sections the "hike" is deffo a "climb". Ditto for the climbing harness, rope and karabiners. Helmet too for falling rocks, just in case you weren't going to. I didn't take mine and was a bit twitchy on the climb after a pebble went winging past my ear at terminal (silly boy).

    For our group the climb was deffo the scariest bit due to the ice and lack of climbing experience. The tyrolean was secure for us but no garantees it still is.

    Best bit was doing a two way with Bennie (the Kiwi), his first two way on his 15th BASE jump, looked across at him looking at me in mid track. Eyes like saucers and a grin from ear to ear.

    Spectacular jump though, have fun

    Is the red light on?

  7. #7

    Re: Eiger Mushroom

    Thanks Mike and Toni! Lots of useful information. I'm considering a trip in summer 2006, so I have some time to plan . Thanks!

  8. #8
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Re: Eiger Mushroom

    What I heard about the Mushroom;
    It was first jumped by Ueli Gegenschatz and Hannes Arch (this is from the French big BASErs). The wall was jumped earlier but not this site. German Peter jumped the Mushroom 3 times in one day without heli. Also 2-3 jumpers were with sprained ankles from one load jumping onto the Mushroom.
    take care,

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