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Thread: Gifts for Jumpers

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  1. #1

    Gifts for Jumpers

    I recently got a PM from someone asking advice on what to buy for a birthday gift for their BF who BASE's (they are a non jumper). I gave a quick list, but can any of you add to what you would think cool in getting from your non-jumping partner as a gift (low finanical cost gifts that is - new canopies and new containers or a 1000ft B access is not realistic as a gift to most non jumping people is it now! )

    My quick thoughtout list was:

    Groundrush by Simon Jakeman
    Any DVD / Video from the ABA
    Laser range finder
    Hanwags or any other decent set of boots
    Body Armour
    42" AV PC (the work horse of your weapon selection)
    2-way radios
    A ballon Flight with an already arranged agreement that he / she can lob out
    knee and elbow pads

    any other thoughts?

  2. #2

    Re: Gifts for Jumpers

    In addition, I was given a great set of boots for Xmas from my GF as I used to only jump in a set of Vans - I thought that was a cool as phuqk present - especially as 4 months later after getting them they stopped my smashed tibula breaking out the skin from the bottom of my misaligned foot........... I did get some $hit that they were cut off me after such a short amount of time, but thats non-jumping women for ya hey! hehe

  3. #3

    Re: Gifts for Jumpers

    Quote Originally Posted by Mac
    any other thoughts?
    A new rig.

  4. #4

    Re: Gifts for Jumpers

    How about a general little kit that could be put together in a tool box type thing. Includes.

    bag of microline bungees (pre cut) for tail gate
    large bungees
    static line (several metres of)
    assortment of velcro (male and female)
    a few tailgates
    spanners and wrenches for d-links
    heavy duty thread and needles
    various lengths of nylon bridle or slings
    screwdriver, crosshead and flat
    slider bumpers spare
    nail varnish (and rouge lipstick for fun)
    tent pegs (for field packing)
    packing tarp
    packing clamps
    pull ups
    Crepe paper and plastecine (for wdis)
    glo sticks
    AAA batteries for radios
    inflatable splint
    fishing line and weight

    loads of little useful things you always can find uses for.
    That lot would set you back £30 including the toolbox. Any rigger could make up a few bridles or slings and the tailgates.

    Splashing out a bit more and you can always use a maglite, an anenometer, binoculars (just for perving really), builders hardhat and vest, gloves, climbing rope.

    loads of stuff


  5. #5
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Gifts for Jumpers

    BASE 66 Book
    Tracking Pants
    Tracking Jacket

    Any of the dozens of BASE videos out there

    I won't even tell you what my wife gave me for Christmas. I'm pretty sure I've got the coolest wife ever.

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Re: Gifts for Jumpers

    besides a trip (MAC ),to any place whoith better weather than here...
    i would say 2way radios(only thing i miss as now...)
    42 av zp pc(cant have too many of thouse i guess
    bodyamor(thanks mom and dad,i really like my backprotector )
    Dv tapes( i dunno why i use loads of thouse but i do

    loads of things...

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Gifts for Jumpers

    How about paying for both people to take a CPR/trauma course together?
    I think that may come in handy one day and may save someone's life...
    Last edited by willz; February 5th, 2005 at 05:56 PM.

  8. #8

    Re: Gifts for Jumpers

    ... good shash-bag ...
    ... "swiss-tool" knife ... (sometimes it's very usefull)
    ... any PC' ... (somebody just asked me what pc of her bf's set is **** and should be replaced)
    ... tracking/hiking shoes ...
    ... termo- clothes ... (suituable for the winter time)
    ... any devises for camera (box or helmet or 'bullet'-cam)
    ... flashlight (by Petzl for example)
    ... mp3 player ... (to listen while climbing up)

  9. #9

    Re: Gifts for Jumpers

    There's a rare hard cover edition of Jakey's "Groundrush" on E-bay. The hard cover versions are hard to find and impossible to get new anymore. The bid is up to about three U.S. dollars.

    BASE 194

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