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Thread: Vancouverween

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  1. #1



    Thanks to Rob, Kevin, Nadine, Teresa and all the TOTAL PSYCHOS I hung out with this last weekend. Went to get my B, but didn't -- sketchy conditions and access issues, but I did get my lowest object -- about 170' up on a bridge. PCAed. BTW, unvented Foxes open noticeably slower than FLiKs (same size, same exit, similar WL). Well, noticeabley at that height, anyway. Had a pretty short canopy ride and downwinded the landing, but landed next to the ladies, so it was awesome.

    Then we hit town. I don't know where we eventually ended up, but damn, that kicked ass! The music, the outfits, the dilation, the hair pulling. I haven't been to an event with music and vibe like that since like 1996.

    Thanks to Kevin for the PCAs. HUGE props to Rob for driving around frantically to serve my every need, and for getting cute chicks to GC. MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR props to Nadine and Theresa for ground crewing, selling their tickets off so we could hang out, and partying way hard.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Oct 2002
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    Re: Vancouverween

    Ya, they are CRAZY IN Vancouver! That tiny ass ONRAMP that they call a bridge (it IS a bridge... but man...). That sucks that you weren't able to get a B up there though... I don't know if you were trying for that 450ish B downtown.... thats what I was hoping on hitting 2 weekends ago... but they had already taken away the access point (the crane along the side) sometime just before then.

  3. #3

    Re: Vancouverween

    I originally wanted the B of which you speak, but I learned of access issues a week earlier. There was another one around 260' that was looking good. The wind conditions really weren't right for that landing area. Another day.

  4. #4
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Vancouverween

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBird
    BTW, unvented Foxes open noticeably slower than FLiKs (same size, same exit, similar WL).
    Unvented or vented Flik?

  5. #5

    Re: Vancouverween

    Vented FLiK. I should have just said unvented versus vented. I could be wrong, but I think a Fox V-Tec would have opened just as fast as that vented FLiK. I think that "on-ramp" would be freefallable with vents and proper technique (I have neither).

  6. #6

    Re: Vancouverween

    Dude, soooo no problem. What a willing participant though in all of the craziness. We will get you that B when you come back here in a month. Speedweasel I am Steve's friend that you hung out with. We tried to get that B that you went off but ran into some "resistance." What you didn't mention is that you landed close to the ladies in a prickly bush and I got scrapes all over my legs trying to free you. Sheesh. LOL. Thanks for coming up and visiting, next month will be more fun.


  7. #7

    Re: Vancouverween

    I looked cool right up until I stopped looking cool. It should be noted that my canopy landed in a prickly bush, not me. My canopy loves to grab things upon landing.
    Last edited by ManBird; November 3rd, 2004 at 12:00 PM.

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