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Thread: Brento Mount's Autosettlement

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  1. #1

    Brento Mount's Autosettlement

    B.A.S.E. JUMP ITALY Trentino's parachutists

    Autosettlement BaseJump's activity on Brento Mount.

    Rules that alla Base jumpers, which intends to pratice this sporting discipline on Brento mount, must follow.

    1) Be in possession of a parachutist's licence with at least 300jumps; 100 of them done in the last monthes;
    2) Have at least 15 Base jumps, otherwise, the pupil can practice jumps from Brento mount, under the control of an avowed instructor. Instead, to accede to every other site in Trentino, at least 50 jumps will be required;
    3) Obligation to use specific BaseJumper materials and equippments (see appendix). Forbidden to use parachutists sporting's equippments, both original than modified.
    4) Forbidden to do jumping activities when there are adverse weather conditions or, in any case when wind is blowing more than 2m/sec. (see appendix);
    5) Always do a check in-out procedure, with land accompainers or by a carabineer local station (phone: 0464/504312);
    6)For eventual soccour calls, phone to : n. 118
    7) Follw exclusively free-fall's times and modalities expected for the site, also in relation to the used equippment. From 7 to 8 seconds for vertical free-fall (box position)or, from 7 to 11 seconds for who is able to do a effectual drift.
    8) Jumpers, who are in possess of monosail equippment, must do an effectual drift untill they have passed away the baseboard, which is situated at the base of the wall "Vertigine";
    9) On the exit, move with extreme caution, avoid stone falling and have care and respect of the ambient, not leaving around rubbish;
    10) Do not jump during the night.


  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) flummi's Avatar
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    RE: Brento Mount's Autosettlement

    just tried to find the quoted "attachment" (especially the portion regarding gear), and could not find it on your website. could you please post it (or a link to it)?

    thanx, and c-u soon!
    B.A.S.E. #996

    * Respekt - ist unsre Aufgabe! * (fanta4)

  3. #3

    RE: Brento Mount's Autosettlement

    For the moment, in the English version of autosettlement Bepi has published only the main rules. If you want to have a look at the approved gear, from the first page of Bepi's site, you should click on "Proposta di autoregolamentazione", that is the full rules but, I am afraid, in Italian. But still scanning through the document you can understand which is the suggested (=mandatory, approved) gear.
    Blue Skies :D

  4. #4

    RE: Brento Mount's Autosettlement


    Most of these rules make sense. However, the wind speed (2 m/s ???) and delays (7..11 sec???) are ridiculously low - unless you jump an "approved" Maveric or Bruislite of course... ;-)

    If anybody ever plans to enforce these regulations there could be another Yosemite story.

    Tracy, what's the deal ?



  5. #5

    RE: Brento Mount's Autosettlement

    I agree Yuri, 7-11 secs freefall is 5 seconds wasted on one hell of a jump.

    Also, when is their not 2m/s wind at the top of this 2000ft drop?? Does this clause means it will always be banned, as it is always a few metres per sec??

    Still on the positive side its good to know that the place isn't totally banned, and they can always issue speed tickets!!

    >Most of these rules make sense.
    >However, the wind speed (2 m/s ???)
    >and delays (7..11 sec???) are
    >ridiculously low - unless you jump an
    >"approved" Maveric or Bruislite of
    >course... ;-)
    >If anybody ever plans to enforce these
    >regulations there could be another
    >Yosemite story.
    >Tracy, what's the deal ?

  6. #6

    RE: Brento Mount's Autosettlement

    Yuri's and Geoff's points of view are the points of view of expert BASE jumpers, and so I respect them.
    The main point here is another. Here we are talking about a set of rules that has just allowed Trento Province Authorities to accept as legal the activity of BASE jumping in the province of Trento. This rules are published and in force and thanks to this rules Brento is now legal.
    Please stick to these rules. At every and each briefing, please, say: "Yes, we will stick to the rules!!! We swear!!!" This rules have been set such firstly to give rules to BASE jump in Trento's province and secondly to avoid any wannaby BASE jumper to grab a Stiletto 107 and get to the exit of Brento and jump.
    Very expert BASE jumpers, like Geoff and Yuri and other blokes, can still say: "Yes, we will do!" to every recommendation said at the briefings held at the landing point, with the possibility... ...well... slightly deviate from the rules... ...only slightly... you got the point???
    Take Care
    Blue Skies :D

  7. #7
    Staff Member
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    RE: Brento Mount's Autosettlement

    "Also, when is their not 2m/s wind at the top of this 2000ft" (?).
    Hi Geoff,
    there is a lot of times when there are not 2m/s wind on this place. Mountain winds are very predictable as to time and strength, whether adabatic, or dynamic, and if at this site you had a dynamic headwind of 2m/s (One quarter of full speed averagely recommended wingloaded basecanopy) the entire way, the main LZ would be a borderline if not unreachable LZ. I could give you the exact figures, but itīs late now.
    take care,

  8. #8
    Staff Member
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    Jan 1970

    RE: Brento Mount's Autosettlement

    Yo Yuri,
    These regulations were designed to address the accidents that have happened there, as a way to inform the uninformed jumpers of the safest procedure for jumping there, and to resist the chances of similar accidents happening.
    One would (I hope)have to be somewhat wishfully creative to die without breaking the regs set forth.
    Another reason for the regs is that the local government gave us (jumpers) the option to define the safest conditions in which to jump, instead of them. They would have either regulated without jumper insight, or turn the prohibition into law.
    Thankfully they allowed a meaningful dialogue.
    If one wishes to exceed the set parameters, I am certain there is a way to waive the regulations safely and officially for qualified parameter exceeders.
    If the person(s) having accidents as a result of exceeding the parameters then the parameters appear more valid in the governmentīs plan to take care of their citizens and visitors.

    Any feedback to the situation will be highly appreciated.
    Take care,

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