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Thread: Any updates on the Brento accident?

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  1. #1

    Any updates on the Brento accident?


    I'd like to know what happend and why. It would be nice to know how experianced he was and whats he's gear was. If anyone knows please share.

    My sympaties for he's family and friends!


  2. #2

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    Hi PerFlare,
    the only information I have got (and, so, please, consider you all the following as a rumor given to the coffee machine) is as follows.
    The only news I have got about that accident is that the jumpers were 3 spanish BASE jumper, the 3 of them jumped in a terribly strong wind, the 3 of them opened successfully the canopy, 2 landed uneventfully on the base of talus, the unlucky jumper (who opened a little higher than the other 2) didn't succeeded in making it and was smashed against the wall by the strong wind.
    My sincere condolescences go to his family and to his friends.
    But it comes out again the fact that foreigners that came from thousand of km away and came to a BASE site, and this site has, in that moment, a terrible weather, it is difficult to say: "OK, the weather is terrible, let's not jump and let's step back."
    It is very difficult to step back from a situation like that, but the most of times is the only thing to do. But I do not want to teach anything to anybody, in this moment I am with the family and with the friends of the poor Spanish BASE jumper that left us. I am so saddened by any news about a friend that left us. We will meet him again in that place where there are no more tears.
    Blue Skies

  3. #3

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    The information I have is from an eyes witness and from a video I saw, so it is provided "as is".
    The three Spanish BASE jumpers were less than 10 jumps experienced. The wind was strong at the exit point but not so strong at the opening altitude. The first two jumpers did at 2 ways and all went well. Then the third one jumped, opened the canopy (higher than the others, before the big ledge) and had less than 90° right off-heading. The canopy was fully inflated and was flying well. The jumper seemed not to use his risers or toggles to correct the canopy fly as he was slowly turning right toward the cliff (the one on the right side). The first cliff strike occured 11 seconds after the canopy opening. The jumper didn't react at all after opening nor after hiting the wall.
    That's all I know.

  4. #4

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    Thanks for the answers!

    I met a spanish group of low or none experiance in Kjerag this year. Do anyone know is this jumper was in Norway this year with a big group traveling i a white minibus sponsored by Red Bull?


  5. #5

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    I see it as a possibility that a gross error culd have been made during packing resulting in a terminal velosity jump with a sliderdown packjob, resulting in major trauma at openingshock and loss of contiousness. I know one persone that did this at a big cliff in USA. Fortunately (maby?) for him one of his risers broke and he spiraled into the ground breaking multiple bones, pelvis etc.

    Condolance to family and friends...

  6. #6

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    >LRains wrote:
    >I see it as a possibility that a gross error culd
    >have been made during packing resulting in a terminal velosity
    >jump with a sliderdown packjob, resulting in major trauma at
    >openingshock and loss of contiousness.

    Is this pure SPECULATION of this incident????....if so, I for one feel these comments are WAY inappropriate......what makes you believe this was the case for this incident?...any facts?...

    condolences to friends and family.....Jeff

  7. #7

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    Yo Jeff, it seems as though you might not have yet realized the ultimate price of BASE-jumping. Don't kid yourself....
    Let's, as a collective, be careful and learn from mistakes.

    Once again I together with Jeff(for one) would like to extend sincere condolances to the family and friends...

  8. #8

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    I have heard the same report of "CPB" directly from George's friends, thus I think it's a reliable explanation of what happened.
    But reasons why he was, or became, unconscious will be hard to define; may be an inspection of gear/canopy can help, but at the moment, and for a long time, its ownership will be of local police.


  9. #9

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    jeff complained to lrains
    ">LRains wrote:
    >I see it as a possibility that a gross error culd
    >have been made during packing resulting in a terminal velosity
    >jump with a sliderdown packjob, resulting in major trauma at
    >openingshock and loss of contiousness.
    Is this pure SPECULATION of this incident????....if so, I for one feel these comments are WAY inappropriate......what makes you believe this was the case for this incident?...any facts?...

    i think you have a lot to learn about life and base, as do we all.
    lrains clearly said "I see it as a possibility "
    read it again, "I see it as a POSSIBILITY".

    if lrains comment makes even one person not jump inappropriate gear for a terminal v jump, (whether or not this was a factor in the brento bounce), then his post was worthwhile.

    i've learned that jumping a zp top skin canopy with a mesh slider at t.v. is a bad idea. i was lucky and got away with only a stiff neck snd more info for the database.

    don't be so mired in political correctness that you miss a gem of information.

    stay safe


  10. #10

    RE: Any updates on the Brento accident?

    right on kleggo. Any news or posts that make jumpers think about their own habits are worthwhile posts.

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