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Thread: Min freefall hight?

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  1. #1

    Min freefall hight?

    I'm looking for some advice on min poss freefall hight. I,ve been going 46" PC hand held, PC as open as poss, velcro half undone. I was once told that if I went any bigger on the PC it might actualy slow things down due to time for PC to inflate + lift, any comments? I'm looking at a road landing directly below object ( no manovering under canopy)


  2. #2

    RE: Min freefall hight?

    How high is this object you are looking at?

    As far a PC size, the bigger it is, the longer it "May" take to inflate, but then when inflated, the drag is greater.

    But my opinion is this:
    Why push things like "Freefalling Lower and Lower"?

    In my opinion, there are certain variables that have just reached their MAX capability. I have freefallen 240'. I have seen video of freefalling 200'. This type of jumping will "NOT" give you longevity in this sport. It may, however, create some very interesting looking X-Rays.

    The more I jump (375+ jumps now), the more conservative I get, because I know what can happen. I will usually NOT freefall anything lower than 300'. Sometimes not even that low. Depends upon the object of coarse.

    Just my 2 cents.

    [font color=#9999FF]
    Thank You
    Mick Knutson :D
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  3. #3

    RE: Min freefall hight?

    What kind of canopy are you using?

    I think the canopy type needs to be considered carefully in low free falls.

    I personally have not noticed much difference between 46" and 48" PC's. However, I have noticed that PC's with a cordura cap on the crown have a moderately higher tendency to hesitate. So, if your 46" has a cap, I'd consider getting a PC without one (or having more altitude).

    --Tom Aiello

  4. #4

    RE: Min freefall hight?

    "I personally have not noticed much difference between 46" and 48" PC's. However, I have noticed that PC's with a cordura cap on the crown have a moderately higher tendency to hesitate. So, if your 46" has a cap, I'd consider getting a PC without one (or having more altitude"

    Amen to that, I watched one of those hesitate off a low "B" which caused the jumper to land in a tree which in turn led to 2 arrests. It sucks when the plan gets changed and you can't get away!!

  5. #5

    RE: Min freefall hight?

    Just wondering... Why would the cap make a difference?

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: Min freefall hight?

    Extra weight on the apex of the pilot chute will tend to continue accelerating toward the ground as the rest of the pilot chute catches the air. The result could be that the cap pushes through the fabric, contracts the apex line, and results in something more akin to the "skydiving" pilot chute packjob we've hopefully all been warned away from.


  7. #7

    RE: Min freefall hight?

    Canopy is a MOJO 260
    Exit point is 24th floor window of a residental block, exact hight unknown waiting for range finder in the mail.

    Thanks again for your help.

  8. #8

    RE: Min freefall hight?

    Contact me and we can discuss the object off of the public forum if you are interested.
    Peace Jerrod

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