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Thread: Tail gate

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  1. #1

    Tail gate

    Now that the tail-gate has been out for a couple of years, has anyone experienced any problems with them? How many of us use it? Any lineovers?


  2. #2

    RE: Tail gate

    Your question is a good one, as a matter of fact Denise and I were wondering the same thing last night. She heard that there has been one lineover in Florida on a jump where a tailgate was in use. Any clarifications? BTW, where's Nick at BR been lately? He hasn't posted in awhile. This would be a good question for him.

  3. #3

    RE: Tail gate

    There have been two line overs using a tail gate that we are aware of. One in Europe and the jumper admits he was at a party drinking when he was packing. The other was in West Virginia, with one of the Spiders. Possibly using a larger pilot chute on a longer delay.

    We have seen some bad packing of the tail gate we would like people to be aware of. Use the smaller rubberband cut in half. NOT the large rubberband. Do the three or four wraps around BOTH ends of the tail gate not just one end. Please use the tail gate correctly then there is a greater chance of not getting a line over.

    Basic Research is testing another rubberband. Smaller, stronger, which will involve no cutting of the band at all. Will be available within a few weeks.

    Please let us know if there are any more incidences out there. Remember to always use the line mod as well as the tail gate with slider off or down jumps.


  4. #4

    RE: Tail gate

    "jumper admits he was at a party drinking when he was packing"

    I had an off heading the other day and on reflection realized that I did not walk that Nun waiting at the cross walk across the road........

    Just the facts mame just the facts

  5. #5


    I have only been using the tail gate for only approx. 20 jumps. I have noticed that my openings have been on heading. Previously I did not use the tail gate and sometimes experienced headings that were up to 60 degrees off heading. Do you think that the tail gate helps achieve good on heading openings. E-mail me back at

    sparky, BASE 603

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