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Thread: Who need wings anyway?

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  1. #1

    Who need wings anyway?

    Yuri says that BASE is dead, and that wing suits rulez. I say “who need wings anyway...”
    Here in Romsdalen, Norway we got a cliff (off course we do, it’s Norway...) and it's about 450 meter vertical with a 12 sec rockdropp. It has a BIG overhang, and you won't hit the wall before you hit the ground if you tried (no one have tried)
    So this is where we come to throw out our newborn, and the recommended delay is about 9-10. So now “the thing” It has a steep gorge, but not that steep. On the 17 of May I pullet 17 seconds from the wall, and then I was really down there. Happily I relaxed with this record, and believed it would stand for a while. NOOT
    Stein O. does a leap, and pulls 30 seconds!!! I didn’t believe it at all, but the video from his helmet cam does not lie. (or…)
    This jump is without any kind of suit, just plain old Gore-Tex. I am impressed
    The article in Norwegian:
    Direct Download-zip:
    Direct Download-wmv:
    The vide is in Windows Media Format 8
    So is that, Johnnyb

  2. #2

    RE: Who need wings anyway?

    Yo !

    This is indeed the most amazing pure track i have ever seen in my life!



    P.S. Now, if you want to pull over the river... ;-)

  3. #3

    RE: Who need wings anyway?

    I need wings!

    First Douggs from Aus out-tracks Smellvagen - without a wingsuit. Then, I watch CJ out-track the hill at Katthammeren - with a 180 offheading - and still pull it off!!! Now you're telling me Stein O. is out-tracking that beutiful overhang - that me and everyone else had to have wings to outfly?

    I better learn to track!!!

    Stay safe - and see ya soon...


  4. #4

    RE: Who need wings anyway?

    Could you tell us what is the difference in height and what is the horizontal distance between the exit point and the edge of the overhang.

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