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Thread: Governmental Change of Attitude?

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  1. #1
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Governmental Change of Attitude?

    Chances of changing the USA govīs attitude towards BASE?
    Not likely, while many BASErīs rebel and some publicly, The USA has executed over 600 persons since the moratorium on Capitol punishment was lifted in 1977. another 3500 are still awaiting their ordered deaths.....4100+ executions ordered, 600+ carried out. Donīt forget the uncounted Tortures, Shootings and Ill treatments of the so called "Innocent until proven guilty" victims. And you guys are worried about permits and incarcerations for BASEing from Government owned sites.....USA Government sux bigtime......It seems that the only way to influence the USgov is with international pressure......Internal pressure has not worked......Anyone have any Ideas? Itīs okay for them to Kill people. "in god we trust" as it says on the penny...Letīs try an international approach to the abolition of governmental murder & sensless imprisonments. Iīm sure it wonīt work either but we can expose the USgov for the Tyrants they are, to the world, as if they didnīt already know. All electronic communications in Europe are monitored by the USgov, Fax, Email,Handy,phone..etc......They search for keywords.......CNN just had a report on it....Or maybe it was CNBC, Maybe a USgov monitor could correct me.....But they are only doing their jobs....It doesnīt mean they are bad persons...Hitler misled a lot of good people also.....he didnīt just tap into a vein of evil persons that already existed, He only gave them a purpose in life more advantageous than what they had.........which happen to be evil......
    I really and truly wish you guys luck in your battle against the powers that be in the United Police States of America. I didnīt want to deal with it and moved to Europe....I only know of one diplomat who BASEīs, I will ask him about the international pressure plan, But Amnesty-International has not been able to do anything about USAīs governmentally approved MURDERS. I think that BASE hasnīt a chance with the present approach....
    This is my 2 "in god we trust" cents worth......
    What are we to do?
    Lost in......

  2. #2

    Hi Space

    Hi Space, how have you been?

    I read your posting. Ummm….. what's your point?

    Is it that we should quit?
    We should be quiters?
    It's hopeless?


  3. #3
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Hi Space

    Hi Bazil,
    I guess Iīm doing okay but Iīm kinda bummed out on repression in the US, My point was to try to get Ideas on how to do an international approach to fix the problem, To deal with the US gov is to deal with Murderers....Internal protest alone will not suffice.....
    The other point has to do with something Humphrey Bogart once said about a hill of beans or something......I just donīt want to see you guys lose sight of the goal of pursuing happiness and freedom by getting stuck singularly on BASE.
    To Give up is of course out of the question, Itīs time for a new approach.....Got any new Ideas?
    take care,

  4. #4

    RE: Hi Space

    Please stay in your country, we are doing fine ; BASE will always go on, and IM not losing any sleep over your take on our Gov. That being said, IM sure you will make it a point not to step on our shores the rest of your life, right? Im going to flick off a bridge , peace, BASE, and C YA

  5. #5
    Staff Member
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    Jan 1970

    RE: Hi Space

    USA is my country, If you really think you are doing fine thatīs cool...Maybe you like criminal records and prison...To each his own, my prefs donīt lie in that direction....Maybe I am being a little soft, letting the cop who threatened to blow my head off at Burro bother me, seeing my friends go to jail and pursued until death, yep, Guess Iīm gettin soft in my old let stuff like that bother me......I gotta pack up, goin to a 650m wall, to meet an american jumper...wonder why he came all the way over here to jump?

  6. #6

    RE: Hi Space

    There is good and bad in every climb and place my friend. Evoke change, make things better, IM all for that. However, you won't get anywhere saying the YOUR country sux. Yeah, your the only one who has had friends die, and cops hurt your feelings.Many men and women have died, so you can run around and say what you say. Why would I wonder why someone want's to jump a beautiful 650m face, thats great dude. YEAH BABY! C YA

  7. #7
    Staff Member
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    Jan 1970

    RE: Hi Space

    Get your ego out of your eyes, In NO way did I say the country of America sucked, The term USgov and the word government is refering to the US Government...The people who govern and churn out 50,000 pages of new laws and regulation every year sux.
    Your Patriotic anonymity strikes me as an oxymoron of the highest degree. 2 totally conflicting Ideals...that, paired up with your lack of comprehension makes me wonder if you are even a jumper....I somewhat appreciate your input as it is a nice example of pointless, rambling, comprehensionless contradictions. I would have been hard pressed to come up with such a gem on such short notice....keep up the good work..

  8. #8

    RE: Hi Space

    Ummmm, what was your point Space boy?

  9. #9

    RE: Hi Space

    Hi Space, many of the new ideas that I have on the subject of Freedom are actions that would be internal to the USA, as I really do not know where to start internationally.

    I know that Ken Miller and many of the ABA members have shown great support and have made substantial contributions toward our fight for Freedom. This support from Australia is very inspiring and shows the depth of support is already beginning worldwide.

    Since you are in Europe, how about organizing something there. I know we have a lot of friends in Norway and the surrounding countries, maybe you could rally them together and bring in a charge from your side. There are a lot of powerful, influential people in Europe, some with "Old Money" that would definitely be supportive of the fight.

    If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.

    Have fun,

  10. #10
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Hi Space

    Yo, Iīm meeting some Swedish jumpers who can start networking, Along with some central Europeans, I will Kick some Ideas around with them, Thereīs quite a few jumpers on this side whoīd love to flick the big walls of the NPS...Innundation of permit requests could be a start, I have some other Ideas but am reluctant to discuss on the board, but with the amount of americans that come over for legal jumps I can get the word out worldwide, a synchronous innundation from internationals and nationals.
    Media can be a valuable tool when used correctly.
    I have contacts there also...
    maybe you could get the addresses of the congressmen, senators etc... Who internationals/nationals should write in the event of denied permits as phase one...
    anyone else have any ideas on how to get the ball rollin....Hey NPS, you guys got any ideas?

  11. #11

    Contact Info

    Hi Space, you can find contact info for Congress/Senate by state or zip code at the web address below.

    Let me know how it's going.

    Have fun,

  12. #12

    RE: Governmental Change of Attitude?

    I was born & raised in the USA. My heritage dates back before the founding of this country -- I even have Native American heritage.

    Yea, I went through a phase where I thought the USA was terrible. During that time I visited & lived in a number of other countries. That experience plus some enlightening reading about life in other countries (especially in the former Soviet Union -- HELL if ever there was a hell on earth) has caused me quite a change of heart.

    It ain't perfect here, it ain't perfect anywhere. But it sure is nice here. To see that you need only open your eyes.

  13. #13
    Staff Member
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    Jan 1970

    RE: Governmental Change of Attitude?

    Come on Mr. Anon Patriot #2,
    everyoneīs heritage dates back before the founding of America. I also have Native American
    Blood flowing thru my veins.
    Where exactly did you get the Idea that I thought the USA was terrible as it seems you are insinuating.....
    I will put it in capital letters and maybe your omprehension lobe of the brain will get it..
    Can you and AP #1 be brave enough to stand up for what you beleive in? are "YOU" so ashamed of your country that you wonīt even post your name?

    I realize that when a person looks at a problem,
    Itīs always in a particular context. Most of the time,one is blinded by oneīs own prejudices, and oneīs environment. By posting my prob with the US government on the BB, I am forced outside of my own prejudices by the responses of intelligent people......who of course are blinded by their own prejudices. but maybe they have an Idea that is novel and might work......Maybe they arenīt blinded by the same prejudices as I......
    Why do you not put your name down? What are you afraid of? me? or the US Gov?
    If youīve been in Europe, maybe you know what this means.... and I say it to you and your prejudices...
    Pass auf

  14. #14

    RE: Governmental Change of Attitude?

    You sound like a pompous ass .
    Here is your name brave one
    Mark Wilson

  15. #15
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Governmental Change of Attitude?

    Yo, this is not my name...My name is tracy walker,aka spacytracy or space for short.
    Mark Wilson? anyone got a clue who this is?
    I started this thread on Governmental change of attitude about BASE. Are you getting personal? Sorry dude, didnīt mean to upset ya...Try starting your own thread and let someone tell you to shut-up and see how you feel....actually, as me being a woman of the world, I kinda like the macho in your post ;-), These Euro-guys are such got my address.. contact me and maybe we can trade some fotos or something ;-)
    I truly didnīt intend to upset you,I thought you were joking, are you an Aquarius?
    space out

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