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Thread: Wanna buy ""?

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  1. #1

    Wanna buy ""?

    I've been chatting with Rick Godwin, a whuffo, who owns "". He's been cybersquatting on the domain for years now, and doesn't seem to have any plans for selling or using it. I and others have offered him a reasonable amount for the domain, since it serves him NO purpose, but I guess he thinks he owns a goldmine and is waiting for an offer with a bunch of zero's at the end. Good luck Rick.
    Anyway, since I'm not willing to fork out big bucks for a domain that is desirable, yet not the cash cow he thinks it is, perhaps one of you would care to make him an offer and get our sport some good web exposure. Either way, drop him a line and tell him to "quit squatting like a girl".
    Rick's email is: or

    Jason Bell - BASE428

    PS. Congrats Bryan Stokes!!!

  2. #2

    shut up when i'm talking to you... Shut up, shut up, etc.

    Let him squat.
    Don't be more of a dork than you already are...

  3. #3
    Tom B

    RE: Wanna buy ""?

    BASE jumpers with lots of money???? Even good luck wont help him ;)

  4. #4

    RE: Wanna buy ""?

    Yo! I sent this message to rick. I think if we approach him with intelligent discussion, he may see reason to give up the domain...:)

    Hey Rick,

    I read on the baseboard ( that you are squatting on the domain. I think I speak for all jumpers when I say we are a bunch of broke jump bums (kinda like the average snowboard or climbing bum). Apparently you think that you are sitting on a cash cow domain name, but let me reassure you that no BASE jumper or manufacturer of BASE gear has the money or the willingness to pay you large sums of cash for the domain.

    So out of all fairness I would suggest one of 2 options to you both of which will earn you great respect in the BASE community:

    Option 1: go take a skydiving course get about 200-250 skydives in, and then hook up with some BASE jumpers (you will find them at most any Drop Zone), befriend them, and learn to BASE jump. At that point your life will have changed so dramatically, that you will either do something value added with that domain, or you will give it to someone who will.

    Option 2: dont skydive and dont BASE jump, just be a respectable member of the extreme sports community at large and get back to Jason BASE 428 via the message board at and arrange to transfer the ownership to him, or some other third party.

    Either way you choose you to go, you will gain the appreciation and respect of all the crazy bastards who jump from fixed objects. Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated.

    Tom Dancs

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Wanna buy ""?

    Good luck. Some people seem to think that is worth [|$10,000] and is worth [|$25,000]!!!!!!

  6. #6

    RE: Wanna buy ""?

    Hi Jason!
    Just to talk. Just to give you an idea.
    Why to stick anyway and anyhow and by any means to ? I understand that Rick Godwin would like to earn at least 1 million dollar for the sale of his site to some BASE jumping related organization/company/private.
    But why do not you go for:
    or anything else similar containing the words base, jump or jumping.

    I think there is no logical reason that will make Mr. Rick Godwin quit from keeping his web site waiting for a mountain of dollars to come (sooner or later), even if you talk to him politely, even if you try to convince him, even if you insult him. Simply, go for another name! And the he|| with Rock Godwin!!!
    Blue Skies

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