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Thread: World's first BASE competition?

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  1. #1

    World's first BASE competition?

    I've been competing with the IPBC for 5 years!
    Where do these guys get off with being "the first"?
    First big hoax, yes.
    Judging from the reports, it sounds like they run a pretty shabby program as well.
    A shameful event.
    Greedy bastards.

  2. #2

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    And you give so much crap to anonymous posts...

    (shaking my head)

  3. #3

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    they change the rules from day to day.
    Weed out the less experienced?
    Why were the less experienced allowed on the load at all?
    New rule about what gear is allowed?
    Why was that not a rule in the first place?
    And why is that rule selective?
    They allow a VERY_LOW_EXPERIENCE_LEVEL Malaysian jumper to use non-BASE-specific gear.
    But the rest of the "gang" must adhere.......
    The technical staff have streamlined the rules to suit their own needs, real professional.
    Not only that, but it sounds just like an IPBC meet, canopy openings, and precision landings being the only categories. No aerobatics, due to poor planning. No tracking category, once again due to poor planning. They've stolen a concept from Dennis and the IPBC.
    Liars and thieves, all of 'em.

  4. #4

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    No need to worry, this will not have a bad effect on BASE jumpers, after all, this is EXTREME SKYDIVING. Where do these clowns come up with this crap? I guess if you have people who don't have a clue run the show, you end up with a piece of #####.

  5. #5

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    Sounds more like Avery to me, now that's he's flown the coop.

  6. #6

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    Grind your axe somewhere else, record keeper.
    Avery didn't 'fly the coop' - he's still there -
    jumping - just not competing. He's due home
    tomorrow, Firday.

  7. #7

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    Who is the bozo using my handle? I apologize to all for this rude post that was made by someone who was not even clever enough to come up with their own user name. I have been posting using this name for quite awhile, and this is the second time this jerk insulted someone under the guise of "Record Keeper".
    As you might have heard, the Mince Division does not tolerate the unauthorized use of it's members usernames. So, Mr. No-imagination, get your own name, or get lost. With all the new Mince members being recruited worldwide, you might want to watch your back. Loser.

    R.K. Mince#4

  8. #8

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    By the way, I also have sex with puppies.

  9. #9


    Funny things you Yanks ! Like the world series baseball only yank teams .

    IPBC !!

    I = International

    Only Held in The land of the gun.

    P= Professional

    All Competitors are paid and make a living from it?!

    B = Base

    Only allowed Velcro NO PINS Why or has it changed.

    C= Circuit

    3 comps not really a circuit more of a triangle.

    This info was given to me by a fast person and much pun was intended.

    What is it with you Yanks always competing ,trying to prove you are the best!!!!!

    bsbd feral

  10. #10
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: IPBC

    What is it with you Yanks always competing ,trying to prove you are the best!!!!!

    none are the same in the grasp of gravity. Northern hemisphere people are naturally better because of their realization that aussie are upside down...
    deal with it....

  11. #11

  12. #12

    RE: IPBC

    >What is it with you Yanks always competing
    >,trying to prove you are the best!!!!!

    There is truth in what you say, but this does not aply to all of us yanks. And let us not forget that there are some from oz who epitimize this "American" trait. Ego and nationality are not necessarily related.

  13. #13

    RE: IPBC

    He is 1/2 Seppo.

    bsbd feral

  14. #14

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    BASE + Competition = Silly people (mostly men acting like spoiled boys) acting in the most self serving manner possible.

    Don't worry, you'll never see me at a competition or at Auburn under a totally full moon. If I compete, it will be against the only base jumper agaist which I may measure my own performance, that is to say, me.

    Get a clue. We all started this for fun. What is next? Industrialization of BASE jumping in the same way much of the joy has been squeezed out of skydiving?

    I hope all of the jumps from Petronas are fun and that the next IPBC event enjoys rain.

  15. #15

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    Worry shmurry, you probably just aren't good enough, dirtbrain!
    Wishing poor weather on any BASE is not good for your karma.

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