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Thread: Bridge Day 2002 is back!

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  1. #1

    Bridge Day 2002 is back!

    Charleston Gazette
    Friday November 16, 2001

    FAYETTEVILLE - Last-minute security concerns canceled this year's Bridge Day, but Fayette County commissioners said Thursday the event will be on track for next year.

    Plans for next year's Bridge Day are "back on track," said Dave Pollard, the county's community resource coordinator.

    After the Sept. 11 attacks, local planners thought they needed extra security that would have cost money they did not have. When this year's event, the largest one-day festival in the state, was canceled, many people suffered a big economic hit.

    In his quarterly report to the commission, Pollard said the county has received a grant to plan for how to expand the economic impact of the unusual event.

    Fayette County Commission President John Witt, a member of the Bridge Day Commission, said anyone who plans a jump from the bridge next year must have picture identification.

    * Ok, anyone want to find out "who" is going to be
    identifying us and in what manner? Will this be a months in advance thing or an "instant" check?
    Does anyone care or could it keep you from jumping? Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. #2

    RE: Bridge Day 2002 is back!

    What ever happened to the report that was gonna be put on the base board on the money spent by the br guys promoters?
    weren't they going to tell us how much was spent, what they spent it on and the dates it was spent?
    me and a few other guys really wonder if they are going to tell us - or maybe they just feel that they can treat other humans beings poorly. Just ignore us and the issue will go away, must be the plan.
    The longer they hold out the more suspicious we get that there is stuff he dont want us to know about.
    yeah, and I gotta admit, I would have flown out there anyway if they had kept the contract and had come thru with all of the other fun stuff like the movies, the pizza and basic base training by the instructors.
    3 of us here even lost money on our 'no cancel' tickets, just like he claims he did.
    maybe it might be worth a drive down to petal luma the next time we're in SF to go to small claims court. then he would have to itemize for the record.He might get a Pooplitser prize for that report....or a NoBell award.
    why are we folks so acceptable of being conned and why does another human being want to do that to someone?
    betja he just keeps on ignoring us. like the monica case, the prez knew that it would go away if he kept his mouth shut.

  3. #3


    I represent a base jumper's father in matters regarding his business. I was asked for advice regarding this issue. The $60 is non-refundable. There has been considerable nonsense posted about contract law. The ad does NOT represent a contract, nor does sending in $60 represent a contract. Even if it did, contract law provides an exception for "unforeseeable events" like a tornado or, maybe say, a terrorist attack. Where the money went is not an issue. How the money was spent is not your business. When you send your money to a private organization, YOU run the risk of the money being spent in ways with which you disagree. If you do not agree with how/where your money is spent, do not send it to the same location in the future.

  4. #4

    RE: Money...

    "...YOU run the risk of the money being spent in ways with which you disagree" you did say.
    You speak like slippery person.
    I was saying that even if we wer not to be jumping that we still had been told that we would have much other good things and we could have seen the new stuff that the base jumper parachute makers had for to sell.
    Then, YOU say that there is no guarantee. Maybe we shall find out someday whether YOU are correct or whether you might not be so correct. Maybe someday.
    My friends says we must get a background check on this man. I don't want to that to another skydiver.
    Just to find out what he spend all that great amount of money on is all we want to know. What is so very big a problem with him telling us on this Base Board? It would not take but a few minutes to do that.
    Permit cost = x dollar, USD
    Plane fare cost = x
    Hotel room money = x
    Stamps = x
    Envelopes = x
    and etc. so on.
    But my point was, which you ignore,why can he not be honest and open with other skydivers and tell us what he did with every penny of that $18,000 USD?
    Why? For becasue he is hiding something? There mabe something that he does not want jumpers to know.
    There are maybe some, not many thank Saint Jude, nasty people on this site who speak angrily with bad words when they put up the defense for this promotor. They say "shut up! Go away!" But most skydivers, everywhere on this globe, are nice people and have respect for each other.
    Then there are people like you who is trying to cover for this dishonnor to jumpers.
    You must be very slippery man. Maybe you are a political person? Or a want to be lawyer? If you are not a skydiver or do base jumps, what is your interest in this subject. Is the "son you represent in business" maybe really the promotor?

  5. #5

    RE: Money...

    Jeez, and I thought I was paranoid!! I personally don't believe this is Badenhop's lawyer, or a lawyer at's the NPS, in an attempt to end all BASE jumping!! Oh, and that George Jones wasn't a lawyer either...he's a country singer who now works for the NPS. Goodness people, come on.

    Okay, I've said it before, and I'm gonna say it again...Jetsum, if you can't speak English, don't post without consulting a translator first. And dumba$$, this guy is just stating the law, not his personal opinion. So perhaps some people would LIKE for Badenhop to post what the money was spent on, but LEGALLY he has no obligation to do that OR give you your money back. That's what this guy is saying. He's posting from a LEGAL point of view. Now BASE jumpers can get on here and post all day about what Badenhop SHOULD do. But he just posted what the LAW says he has to do...not a damn thing!!

    And what guarantees are you talking about?? In the ad, it states, "If you would like the opportunity to jump at Bridge Day this year, you must mail in..." The word "guarantee" was never once used in that ad. So...stop pissing and moaning about court and "what the law says." If Badenhop posts anything about where the money went, he'll do so because HE wants to...not because he's forced to by law. So stop this ridiculous sh*t about taking him to court...GET A LIFE!!!!

    And if it's the $18,000 that you're worried about and NOT your $60...why THIS man? What about the millions and millions of people every day who murder, rape, rob, and kidnap?? If you're not worried about YOUR $60...why do you even care at all? You didn't pay $18,000. There are people out there right now robbing you of your tax dollars (and a lot more than $60 of it too). So why Badenhop? Because it's WRONG? Do you mean to tell me you've never jumped an illegal object? Taken an illegal drug? Drank underage? Driven under the influence? Sounds a little hypocritical to me. I say it's time to MOVE ON people!!

    Blue Skies,

  6. #6

    RE: Money...

    Well said Josh. I'm with Brooke. Post your address and I send you $60 to quit yer bitchin. :'(

  7. #7

    RE: Money...

    Again as a personal friend of Earl Redfern, all the money was stuck in the pocket of the fat beauracrats. Thanks,


  8. #8

    RE: Bridge Day 2002 is back!

    Geez, havent we had enough already? Listen, If I , personally send you $60 will you stop your whining? and GO AWAY?

  9. #9

    Who cares?

    Just jump the pig on the 664 days per year that profit and glory driven promoters do not control the bridge.

    The institution of Bridge Day is essentially an obsolete and potentially injurious (to the sport) introduction to base for many skydivers. Reputable instructors with reputable companies are easily available in most large markets and provide a vastly superior first jump experience to the mayhem of BD. If you are not near an instructor, the base community has grown and (partly thanks to this site) gotten organized. Decent Yodas are to be found pretty much everywhere, further mooting the whole BD exercise.

    On top of all of that, it appears the total wankers who hide behing "firend of a friend of a friend" lawyers, etc. are choosing to conceal their activities from the very community from which they intend to extract future profits. Pretty stupid, huh?

    New Proposal:

    Boycott Bridge Day!

    Demand Accountability!

    Don't Jump With Wankers!

  10. #10

    RE: Who cares?

    I am in agreement with you to the point that if this is gonna end, yet it cant. There are too many people who want it to happen. And given the fact that this is true the only thing I can say is this was a way that the coordinators found to make the most money out of the deal. Keep on Pushing and keep on Patronizing and they will start it again because otherwise they will loose money.
    Thanks , Steed

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