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Thread: Bridge Day joke

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  1. #1

    Bridge Day joke

    4 days to registration, and still no indication as to how much it will cost to register. What is the deal? You guyers just can't figure it out or what?

  2. #2

    RE: Bridge Day joke

    $60, same as last year.

  3. #3

    RE: Bridge Day joke

    Why is it $60, same as last year?

  4. #4

    RE: Bridge Day joke

    because it has been $60 for several years now. no change this year. this is pretty easy to understand, I hope???

  5. #5

    RE: Bridge Day joke

    Maybe you don't understand the question. How did you guyers who have never done the event before come up with the $60 figure? On what do you base this expense? 400x$60=$24,000.00 where is all this money going?

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