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Thread: Bridge Day Registration!!!!!

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  1. #1

    Bridge Day Registration!!!!!

    Looks like everyone wants to be the first to register. I can get the store up and running if everyone can get off the webstore for a second. It's running very slow.....

    Jason Bell

  2. #2

    RE: Bridge Day Registration!!!!!

    I bet all the slots went within a couple of minutes Judging by how slow the site was. It took me an hour using three computers (with a T1 connection)to get an order #


  3. #3

    RE: Bridge Day Registration!!!!!

    If most people are like me, they didn't care about being first, they just wanted to be sure and get registered.

  4. #4


    I, along with many experienced jumpers I know, have chosen not to register for Bridge Day 2002.

    Despite repeated requests for clarification of the privacy issues surrounding background checks, no additional information has been provided by the organizers. By default, this year is setting a horrible precedent for how jumpers are handled at BD in the future. Does anyone really believe that next year's privacy violations are going to be any less severe?

    I am regret being a stick in the mud on this one, but despite good people being involved and doing hard work, the process has gone bad. I fear that this year there will be a substantial over-representation of low-time versus experienced jumpers at BD as a direct result of the privacy problems introduced by the current organizing team.

    I was looking forward to working on my running gainers this year, but there's 1000 other objects I can jump on that Saturday where I don't have to roll over and play dead on an important civil liberties issue. I'll be with the jumpers at BD in spirit, if not in body.

    Jason, I hope you will continue to work with Troy to prevent the SS# handover before it happens. If you succeed in getting that requirement thrown out, congratulations! Sorry we won't be able to jump together, but sometimes them's the breaks.



  5. #5

    RE: Issues

    Everyone needs to KNOW and UNDERSTAND Go Fast and Jason Bell had nothing to do with the SSN# issue. This is a policy made by the state that was actually implemented just before BD 2001. Yes everyone involved is still fighting the issue of handing them over.

    Dog you sound as if BD will not go on without you. Trust me, it will.

  6. #6

    doggie style

    Let loose with some of that phD candidate type ranting about the BDC requiring jumpers to have I.D.'s and background checks for little "back packs" when 30 ton tractor trailers will be zooming by with a gazillion pounds of fuel on board. :7

  7. #7

    RE: Issues

    First off, there have been over 100 jumpers register in the first 2.5 hours of registration. I thought some of you may want to know this. There are 400 possible slots. I've seen a fairly normal mix of experienced and non-experienced jumpers so far.

    Second, and to address Doug's questions, we are still working hard to find a way around the SSN issue. Perhaps our efforts are better utilized if we try to solve the problem rather than just writing about it. I am currently in negotiations with a company who rents Xray machines.

    As for privacy, I have been assured by the Bridge Day Commission that SSN's will only be used for background checks and they'll be destroyed after Bridge Day. I'll ask for that in writing at the next meeting if it'll give everyone the "warm and fuzzies". I'll also find out about any NPS involvement in this, however I believe the NPS won't get the list anymore from what I heard in the last meeting. I promise to clarify ASAP.

    The bottom line is that we can all protest the SSN requirement and not jump at all, or we can give them the information that the State of West Virginia requires and jump the bridge. With the limited number of legal objects to jump, I'm gonna JUMP!

    Hey, it's your right to choose not to jump and if that's what you decide then I respect that.

    Jason Bell

  8. #8

    RE: Issues

    I really respect the work you are doing here, Jason. I also (of course) support the right of everyone to make their own decision on the issues at hand.

    That said, I do want to point out that a decision not to attend (or at least register) until the issue resolves further is a decision that some of us are making. Undoubtedly, many folks will be (understandably) happy not to share an exit point with a smelly hound like me.

    Call me a paranoid old mutt, but insofar as things stay at their current status I'll make a principled decision to jump elsewhere on the 19th.

    Also, I should say, if there is any way I can personally help to make progress on this issue with the various BD constituencies, please don't hestitate to ask. Even a curmudgeon like me can lend a paw to help out if that would be of value.



    ps: What? BD will go on without the Dog in attendance? Gee, I was assuming that my decision to skip would result in an immediate cancellation of the event. Didn't someone call the authorities so they could call the whole shindog off due to my decision not to attend? &-)

  9. #9

    RE: Bridge Day Registration!!!!!

    Anyone who used AOL and had Javascript turned off may have had problems clicking the "REGISTER NOW" button. You can now click the link below the button to get to the webstore. Sorry for the inconvenience. Cya.

    Jason Bell

  10. #10

    RE: Bridge Day Registration!!!!!

    When are we suppose to get the "confirmation" email?

  11. #11

    RE: Bridge Day Registration!!!!!

    Unless you registered between 2-3pm yesterday, you SHOULD have received a confirmation email. There was a major rush by many people to get in at 2pm and it bogged down the server. It also caused some of you to miss the confirmation emails, although this email was basically the same thing you saw on the webstore when your order was accepted. If you entered your credit card # and hit CONTINUE and got an invoice, then you are registered. If you did not get an invoice number, then please email me. I will be posting a list of invoice numbers (or order numbers) that have been validated, meaning that I have run their credit card successfully. You'd be surprised at how many credit cards are over the limit!

    So, check back at or watch your email for another confirmation that your credit card was accepted and your slot is confirmed. The bottom line is that if you were able to order a slot yesterday, you're in.

    Questions? Email me.

    Jason Bell

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