Myself, Aerial Extreme EuroBASE2002,
and the Mexican Mafia are having a blast!
Myself, Aerial Extreme EuroBASE2002,
and the Mexican Mafia are having a blast!
Sorry I missed this one. have a great time and send me some pics.
have a go way low day }> }> }> }> }> }> }> }>
Oh, come on. EVERYONE knows aerial extreme and his out of shape, fat, rich, lazy, uncurrent, wanna be skydiver (base, maybe) jumpers are soft (unts!!!!!!!
Get hard and fu(king hike one for a change you wankers!
The locals at all of "your" sites are pissed fu(king off by your helicopter and your bragging about sites that the REAL BASE jumpers actually work to get to. Stop talking about your fu(king so called accomplishments, any moron (you guys) can chopper to the top and jump. Big fu(king deal.
Go back to the drop zone you fat ass fu(ks.
Avery not included. (But why are you with the fat fu(ks?)
BASE jumpers.....NOT!!!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
:* :* :* :* :* :* :* }> }> }>
Have you looked in the mirror lately? Any one can be low IQ and huge.
Hey there you big, knuckle-dragging Kiwi...
If I could take a chopper on occasion instead of hiking, I would! Just like the boat at the Perrine...I get PLENTY of hiking in this sport, so I'll take the gravy train when it's available.
Sure is funny. Everyone loves to bitch about people when it appears they are having more fun than them. Funny you know.
People should spend more time jumping and less time worrying about others -- that's my philosophy!
In your own words Kiwi -- shut up and get harder you *unt!
Who said the original poster was a kiwi?
The only Kiwi's I know are:
a) female and don't use that language
b) stuck in Queenstown and don't read the baseboard
c) stuck on an apple orchard in Hawkes Bay (tough luck Moff)
d) Big ugly b*stard who is in transit when the post was made (?)
e) me
Maybe look elsewhere.
ps: JJ, Rob, Feral-arrive Aug 10th
kiwi beater, ha!!! now that i'd like to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the knuckle dragger needs no defense but i have seen the fat fcusk and can't believe they're taking the chopper as a special treat in lieu of hiking. and i don't mean one measly, slow, full-of -bitching hike up the tiniest hill they can find, because some of them might be up for that. and they certainly aren't having more fun than hikers because real base jumpers LOVE TO HIKE. sadly, i doubt many of the fattys would jump cliffs much without the aid of a big motor. if they did, they wouldn't be fattys for long.
as for your philosophy, diareahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Hi MD!
I would say that we (=Italian BASE community) are not so much disturbed by our american friends coming to jump our terminal wall with hely. We simply are on a budget ( :'( ) and moreover for us it is not so important to do so many jumps in a day using (and paying!!!!) the hely, in few hours drive we are there any weekend we want, and so for us it does not make sense spend lots of bucks for the hely. In fact (with few (=2 hely lifts) exceptions), we hiked up all the times! I personally did 4 jumps (and 4 hikes!!!) in the 2 days of the weekend (on monday I was quite exhausted, but HAPPY!!!). The last (post-sunset jump, in the end...) jump of Sunday we (3) hiked up with 4 american brothers of ours, yes, they were not so well used to the hike, but they behaved very well indeed, moreover, we showed them our new trail that avoids steep pieces of the "usual" old trail. Lots of fun jumping with your friends, and LOTS LOTS LOTS of fun (Molto BASE = Much BASE) jumping with our friends from overseas, and sharing with them a little bit of happyness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We personally thanks Avery for having showed us his SUPERMUSHROOM technique for folding PC. My friend #726 tested it (very successfully!!!!) jumping stowed our 100 m "A" few days later!!!!
Any time you will be back, you are welcomed to jump again with us!!!!
We all hope things went very well indeed when you jumped our sub-terminal wall!!!!!
Molto BASE!!!! Much BASE!!!! Lots of BASE!!!!
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 :D
Stay Safe Out There
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689
Hello, I jump with them because they are my friends,
just as I jump with my friends on the MD.
A couple of them are a bit hefty,
but I made them hike their ass off in Lauterbrunnen.
and they can `toss off`the edge as well as any.
Heckelopters are fun!
To my friend #689,
yes I did the castle, it was very nice.
Thanks for the good times.
>Hello, I jump with them because they are my
>friends, >just as I jump with my friends on the MD.
>A couple of them are a bit hefty,
>but I made them hike their ass off in
>and they can `toss off`the edge as well as any.
to the worrying momma boy wankers, bodies come in all shapes and do minds....I am what I am and I am fine too....(PS:Avery, I still gotz my arse!)...and I had fun if I can trade some cosmically useless paper stuff for a ride, I am bad...okely dokely....cuz some of yous gotz funny haircuts....and stoopid color shoes....sorry I don;t share your passion to care about these petty things in worm feast will be better than yours....where's da beef?, pass da cheese, Jeff #581.....I jump for me , judge my cover, me not care
Who has #726? I know 725, 727 and 728. It'd be nice to know who got the #726.
It's all about BASE numbers...
Hey Avery,
It was a pleasure to jump with you guys!!!;-)
Cool cliff, good friends, nice weather, a lot of fun... Oh yeah!!!
This is BASE Jump! MOLTO BASE !!!! :D
C-YA soon!
The Italian Crew
Mucho BASE!
V. #1075
Hay to Avery and the Crew.
It was nice to jump with you.
And now the best ;-) we have one picture of your crew in the heli (4 F). You can get it but only on the email.
And know one please :'( we wuld like to get DV of our and Your jump in MPEG or AVI over email to convert it in euro standarts on the computer.
CYA again
3 of 6
Igor, Uros and Ljubo
email address:
Hello Skinflicka,
BASE #724 and BASE #726 are two Italian chaps who closed the word in March 2002 (the first at the beginning of March and the second mid-March)!!!
If you come here in South Europe, we will be able to meet them (and myself)!!!
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 :D
Stay Safe Out There
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689
What a great trip.
26 jumps in ten days.
7 new-to-me objects.
8 hours after arriving in Munich,
I was flickin a span in Croatia, my 100th object.
Thank you Robert Pecnic.
Three cliffs in Italy, one being the site of castle ruins.
The Mushroom of the Eiger.
15 jumps in Lauterbrunnen, from 6 exit points.