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Thread: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 19 Twin Falls

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  1. #1

    Freedom Day 2002 Oct 19 Twin Falls

    Lots of folks will be converging on Twin Falls during the weekend of October 19-20 for the first annual "Freedom Day" on Saturday, Oct 20th. This is going to be a quasi-organized, totally unoffical alternative to this year's Bridge Day, for those who have chosen (for whatever reasons) to skip BD in West Virginia.

    Some parameters for Freedom Day:

    - it is free of charge, of course

    - we will be reserving the pavillion down by the boat docks for both days, to ensure ample packing space in the shade (or out of the rain, as the case may be)

    - boats will be running for pickup all weekend

    - working to arrange special rates at local hotels for jumpers visiting town

    - organized dinner/celebration thing Saturday night.

    - might even print up some t-shirts for the event. . . anyone have suggested artwork?

    In exchange, I suggest we ask everyone who comes into town to bring a framed photo of them (or a friend) jumping. Can be the Perrine, or any other BASE object. We'll donate these to local businesses.

    We will also coordinate jumpers to run garbage clean-up shifts around the lookout, boat docks, etc. during the weekend.

    Of course, bring good attitudes and lots of smiles for our friends in Twin Falls.

    Anyone interested in helping to "organize" this (though there isn't much to organize), please drop me a line. All help appreciated.

    Long Live Freedom!



    ps: Robin Hied is not involved with this event in any way. He didn't write the proposal (since there wasn't one), he didn't help to argue for capitulation on jumper privacy issues, and he isn't running things from the background (nobody is running things. . . so we don't have any behind-the-scenes crap). Just thought folks might like to know, as sometimes XXS sneaks into certain events without the jumping public knowing or being informed. . .

  2. #2

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 20 Twin Fa


    I think your dates are off.....shouldn't it be Oct. 19-20 (Saturday and Sunday)?

    If you need any tips on handing out those framed pictures, or a list of who Tom Sanders and I gave ours to on Memorial Day, please let me know.

    Jason Bell
    Web: or

  3. #3

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 20 Twin Fa

    Strikes me as somewhat petty to do it this weekend. Don't eat the grapes they are sour.....

    The Road Goes Ever On::'(

  4. #4

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 20 Twin Fa

    No "sour grapes" at all - rather the vision of a cornucopia. Some folks want to go back East and do their thing, some folks want to do it the way we do it out West. To each his or her own.

    Last I checked, BD back East didn't have open slots - there's no cannibalism here. Our sport has grown enough in recent years to ensure that.



  5. #5

    clip clip clip..but anyways

    the way WHO does it out west? I have seen you jump (150 over land) and the way the PDX crew behaves at the bridge.... LETS do a BIG WAY. well, I would much rather HAVE attended BRIDGE day, and PAID my $60 than to have gone to freedom day. are you a clown or what? I thought you were a dog. cause uhhh.....I asked my mentor EARLIER this summer about starting some organization at PERRINE, to keep the good rap, and things legal, and everyone happy, and he explained it is very HARD to organize a WILD CARD group such as BASE jumpers. so, I didn't try.
    I'm wondering DOG, did you get 300 participants willing to PAY to jump this bridge?
    the way you do things out west, huh? yeah, CHEAP, FREE, and ON YOUR OWN. that is what I learned from all the HOMELESS people in PORTLAND, who LIKE TO STEAL. they would rather commit crimes out west then work an actual job. and the police are NOT good enough to catch them. remember where my SORCERER rig was stolen??? yep, out west. that's the way they do it out west I guess.
    and what about my interceptor 225, rainbow colors? you still have that doug? BECAUSE I think you found it, along with my backpack, and stole it. that is why you never answered me about finding it, or tried to look for it. but thanks for leaving my tie dye T-shirts. because a good HOMELESS BUM in portland would have rather taken the clothes than the parachute. although it makes a good take, when set up right.
    deny it like the thief you are. I have found THIEVES get real defensive when questioned about THIEVERY, and HONEST people just say "No, I didn't" and their friends believe them.
    so go ahead doug, answer the question. I have given you two options. guilty, or not guilty. I can tell by your response. so don't even try to lie about it. just be honest. I don't care anyway. if I really wanted that PARACHUTE, I would have taken it with me.
    go ahead Doug, remember the DIRECTIONS EXACTLY to the spot it was it? cause I made the mistake of TRUSTING you, as BRIAN STOUT did.
    the way you do it out west, huh?
    Thomas :-) :-)

  6. #6

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 19 Twin Fa

    hey, that's like the 3rd time you've edited this post, ddog. it keeps coming back to the top....hmmmm.

    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

  7. #7

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 19 Twin Fa

    >hey, that's like the 3rd time you've edited this
    >post, ddog. it keeps coming back to the

    My spelling sucks. . . what can I say :*

    Good luck with the NPS - I am sure they will be ecstatic to have that nice list of jumper IDs and background checks. Yum!



  8. #8

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 19 Twin Fa

    As most people know, the jumper list has always been given to the NPS. So if you've ever jumped at Bridge Day, you're ON THE LIST ALREADY. However, this year, I do not believe the NPS will obtain the list due to some legal issues.

    Plus, the NPS has nothing to do with the background checks. The Sheriff of Fayette County handles this.

    Glad I could clear up this misconception!! Cya.

    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) E Raist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Soft Cock

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 19 Twin Fa

    I'll see you there.

    Why the name "Freedom Day"?

    -=E - R A I S T
    -=E - R A I S T

  10. #10

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 19 Twin Fa

    My calendar puts October 19 on Saturday, yours?

  11. #11

    RE: Freedom Day 2002 Oct 19 Twin Fa

    Hey D-Dog! or DJ, Dwain, Ray, or anyone else that may have been at Freedom Day...


    We missed you all at Bridge Day, but we were sure you were all getting in 65 jumps a day and all that. So, HOW THE HECK WAS IT???


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