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Thread: Petronas 2002 Event Information

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  1. #1

    Petronas 2002 Event Information

    There has been a great deal of turmoil as to what is happening with “The Petronas” event this year. It is definitely going ahead. There is a small team of people from US, Australia and Europe that will be involved in running the event to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible. I have been fortunate in being offered the opportunity to run the competition this year. I will be travelling to KL on the 15th Dec to assist set up and resolve issues that may come up. My involvement is simply to run the competition. I cannot compete due to injuries I sustained last year so I have taken the opportunity to be involved to make this comp a success. I am not involved in organising accommodation, entry fees or flights but I will pass on information as it comes to hand.

    I also in no way wish to detract from the fine work many others have done in the past in conducting this event and others like it. I will try to respond to any genuine enquiries via email.

    I will be a spokesperson for the organisational team to channel information as best I can on what I know. The details of the event are listed below.

    I would encourage anyone that just meets basic entry requirements to carefully consider their abilities for this event. Even under the most stringent of safety standards in the past there were some minor incidences of concern that could have resulted much worse. We would wish to avoid this through only experienced jumpers participating. If you are not solid - then please don’t apply - at worst you will be removed from the event if you are dangerous.

    What is important at this stage if you believe you are qualified is to email your interest to Dann Lee at the address below. Your application will be vetted by a small committee to ensure your experience requirements make a basic grade. Please also provide your passport number for security clearance on the buildings. I would also suggest checking availability of flights.


    Two buildings definite for the event: Petronas Twin Towers (from 73rd floor) and KL Tower. There may be some possibility for a third.

    Jumping will start on Dec 28th and will end on Jan 5th but could extend a couple of days if the weather is really bad. You will need to arrive earlier at least Dec 27th for registration.

    Register on line at:

    From the ORGANISER
    The Malaysia International Championship of Xtreme Skydive/World BASE Cup 2002 is the world’s premier BASE championship with participation from all over the world and is sanctioned by the Malaysia International Xtreme Skydive Association (MIXSA) which is the world’s governing body for all recognize BASE championship worldwide. We would like to invite people to participate in this second year of the championship. The championship is also supported and endorsed by the Malaysian Government.


    The entry fee for this year championship is USD 700. Participants will compete on two buildings. The following are the benefits provided with the entry fee;

    1. Prize money and trophies of total USD 20,000
    2. Certificate of participation and winners
    3. Twin Sharing Accommodation
    4. Free Breakfast
    5. Discounted Airfares (if in any case, the discounted airfares couldn’t be arranged, then a deduction of USD 150 will be given. This does not apply for the discount given to champions)
    6. Invitation to World BASE Conference in December, 2002
    7. Competition T-Shirts
    8. Invitation to Welcoming Party
    9. Invitation to Closing Ceremony
    10. All participants must use the Sentral Sky Train and keep their tickets for reimbursement (Taxi Fares will not be reimbursed)
    11. Participants will get a FREE MEMBERSHIP to the Malaysia International Xtreme Skydive Association
    12. Last year Individual and Team Champions will get a 50% discount on the entry fee.


    As this sport is an extreme sport, jumpers will have to be covered by their own insurance policy. They will have to show their proved of insurance policy before being allowed to participate. In any case if a jumper does not have their own insurance policy, the jumper will have to inform the organizer in advance so that SkyVenture Productions will try to arrange one for them with all cost going to the jumper. This is also pending to the approval of the Insurance Agency. SkyVenture Productions, the Malaysian Government, the buildings owners and the people of Malaysia will not be responsible for any medical bills.


    There will be a number of aspects to competition that will be gone through in detail at registration. However, expect an aerobatics component that will be run from KL tower. This part of competition will predominantly be judged on how well you execute your jumps. Jumps executed poorly will be penalised harshly. Hint: - Practise what you intend for competition and only nominate what you can do well.

    There will be US$20K in prize money.
    From Petronas comp will be judged on the following components:
    1. Distance from the building (need to deploy sufficient distance from the
    building or points will be deducted).
    2. Freefall time (needs to be within the required margin or points will be deducted).
    3. Opening heading.
    4. Stand-up landing accuracy.
    5. Freefall Control (judged from KL Tower).

    BASE specific equipment only (no modified skydiving canopies or containers). Wingloading must be less than 0.85 lbs / sqr foot. Brake settings must be customized for your weight for subterminal slider up deployments to insure minimal forward speed on deployment (object strike is a big risk from Petronas).
    Helmets are mandatory. Other protective gear is highly recommended.

    Ability is hard to judge as skill level varies widely from jumper to jumper regardless of jump numbers.
    A good indication would be someone with 100 BASE jumps, who is current and has at least 30 (much more would be better) subterminal slider up deployments near a solid object. You should be proficient and skilled at dealing with off heading openings. You should be skilled with subterminal tracking. THESE SKILLS SHOULD BE A BARE MINIMUM.

    If you are demonstrate sub-par skill level then YOU WILL BE REMOVED from the event. Basically you need to be able to do the following without any problems:

    1. Launch out hard from the building,
    2. Be in control during freefall,
    3. Take at least a 4 second delay when you are packed slider up (less than
    4 seconds with slider up configuration has a high chance of line twists and
    4. Deploy in a stable and level body position facing away from the object,
    5. Deal with any deployment problems (such as bad heading or line twists)
    in a competent, effecient and swift manor.
    6. Fly and land the canopy in the prescribed landing area.

    If you are unsure of your abilities please contact me I can directly approve you for the event (as long as you are qualified/competent enough).
    Experienced jumpers that I or other committee members know and trust, can recommend people to us for approval as long as they will vouch for your experience/competency . If I or other committee members do not know you then you will need a reference.

    This event will be televised worldwide. It has been requested that jumpers "as guests of Malaysia are to be humble, thankful, and approachable to the general public and be the ambassadors of the sport of BASE jumping". You are expected to be representatives of your country and the sport of BASE jumping.

    This includes following all Malaysian Laws when there. This also means no illegal building jumps. The concern of illegal building jumps being done has been raised a number of times by the Malaysian Government and other relevant parties.

    SkyVenture has arranged discounts with Malaysian airlines depending on where you are travelling from. Contact Dann Lee for more details on this. I cannot help you with this info. Please direct any enquiries on accommodation or flights to Dann.

    The organisers would like you to get there a few days earlier to assist registration and organisation. Those interested should indicate your intent with Dann Lee at the World Xtreme Skydive website. Please also let me know you would like an invite.

    For those that have already submitted an application you may need to get your passport numbers to Dann Lee.

    I hope this clarifies any misinformation. I do not know every detail across all matters. I will pass on what I know. I shall continue to post on the Australian Base Website also if you find it hard to locate this information and any future updates.

    Australian BASE Association

  2. #2

    RE: Petronas 2002 Event Information

    This will be fun - can't wait!



  3. #3

    RE: Petronas 2002 Event Information

    I am wondering if there is any information on the discountet airtickets, and how to get it?
    I have tried to find tickets on internet, but it seems to be overbooked alredy.

  4. #4

    RE: Petronas 2002 Event Information

    Dear PSF

    Email me - I have a letter from Malaysian airlines that may help you.


    Australian BASE Association

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