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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    PV ; perigee 2


    Did anyone do the cave thing in mexico on his/her own? im planning to travel through Mexico while my friend is having his honeymoon there. We r taking our rigs with us. and i heard that there should be also some additional cave. So anyone.....

  2. #2

    RE: mexico

    Hello Mexico-bound BASE jumper!

    For the Cave of the Swallows some special equipment is needed, namely a winch and rope to pull you up out of the Cave after you jump. Are you taking this kind of equipment with you as well?

    Be safe, have fun, and soft landings,

  3. #3
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    RE: mexico

    Hello --

    Just to add some info on to K's reply, in addition to specialty equipment needed for extraction, there are local and cultural issues to deal with. This site is not something that you can just "walk up and jump". There are many rules to follow, certain times of the year that you can jump it, etc. (1 example: you need a translator among many, many things)

    If you are seriously considering going there, there are 3 different groups that go there each year, and they have all established a good working relationship with the Indian tribes and the comittees that control access to the cave -- you may want to contact them. 1) Mark Lichtle of Aerial Extreme 2) the Norwegian BASE Association 3) Adrenaline Exploits

    I hope this helps and best of luck in your travels,


  4. #4

    RE: mexico


    Yes, the cave have been jumped outside the more establish groups. I do not know about anyone who have done it solo but I know about small teams being there.

    Yes, you need to respect the people who control the access there. But three (two English and one Norwegian speaking) groups have been able to do that and so it is possible. I know about other groups with other languages been able to establish contact also.

    No, you do not need a winch to jump the cave and get back up again. It has been done without. But personally I think it is a good safe measure … climbing are not that easy if you break your arm on landing ;)

    I went with the Norwegians, you can read about it on my site -> projects -> Completed Projects “Completed Projects” and click on “mission report”



  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: mexico

    I am in Aquismon now - here with the Norwegian expedition. I personally can not envision doing these jumps alone - Especially if you have never been to the bottom. The winch being used only takes around 6 mins to pull two people and their gear out of the hole. (Not bad for 1200ft, huh?) I think climbing out manually would really really suck! But, then I am just a lazy American... :)

    BTW, yesterday was our first day of jumping. We got a bit of a late start because the birds stayed in until around noon due to partly cloudy skies. I think 10 people made 30 jumps yesterday (3 myself).

    There is obviously internet access available here now. I understand it is new this year. This place has 7 computers but they all appear to route through a single 56k modem. I am the only one here now, so it is so bad. And at 12 pesos (a little over $1 US) per hour you can not complain too much.

    Enough for now.. Cya!


  6. #6

    RE: mexico

    Hay Mark

    Is douggs there tell him I want picks of his Tranny

    Any tell Gary Cunningham to ease up on the plastic bags

    bsbd feral

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Jan 1970

    RE: mexico

    They are both here. I will pass on the messages.

    P.S. We were able to jump today after all. 2-3 each. :)


  8. #8

    RE: mexico

    Hello Mark: Please pass on a message to Douggs. He needs to contact his sister as soon as possible, urgent family matter.
    Blue Skies
    Black Holes

  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: mexico

    thanks all of u, i think it shouldnt be souch a probl. to do it yourself. Since my Spanish is bad, there is still my girlfrien from Mexico city and she would be helping us out with renting and finding someone in Aquismon with whinch and ropes. so all of u out there in big brave cave, enjoy your beatifull experiance and most of all stay safe.

  10. #10

    RE: mexico

    There will be no winch in Acquismon. Anyone with that specialized equipment won't be loaning it out.

    Your only option will be to learn how to use ascenders to climb a rope dropped in AFTER your jump. You should rappell it first to familiarize yourself with the topography and landing area. It cannot be sensed from the top. After rapping and jugging out you'll probably dread the thought of jugging out again but if you want to go cheap you gotta be tough. Start practicing jugging now to get skilled and strong enough to do it. It's a big deal.


  11. #11

    RE: mexico

    It is not the only option.

    It is possible to set up a route and climb out. I am pretty sure that there are other options to. When I was in the cave I saw people climbing out (not jugging on one long rope). But I agree it is a big deal. But sometimes that's part of the experience not everybody is in to charter, helis and winches. I am a softy so I like both ...


  12. #12

    RE: mexico

    Out of curiosity,what medical services are available? If one were to femer in (or worse), how could you get out of the cave and back to a hospital?

  13. #13

    RE: mexico

    Has anyone ever climbed out (ie. free,aid,sport?) it seems like it would be a pretty intresting wall.

  14. #14

    RE: mexico

    >Has anyone ever climbed out (ie. free,aid,sport?) it seems
    >like it would be a pretty intresting wall.

    Russian Extreme Project trip about a year ago did just that (jumping and climbing out multiple times). Contact Valera Rozov to check if it was free or aid (later, probably).



  15. #15
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    PV ; perigee 2

    RE: mexico

    u Russians were there when also the norvigans came and u had an injured man ... what happened. U said u were climbing out several times, any additional info,(nearest hospital, rescue...) i know is another year to the trip but as my money suply is not huge i have to think about a lot of things ....

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