Because there are a lot of questions regarding how one goes about applying for a BASE number, Joy asked me to post the following letter that she wrote which outlines how to do so...
Hello BASE Jumpers:
Rick & I issue the original World BASE Numbers and Night BASE Numbers which were started by Carl and Jean Boenish in January 1981 when the first BASE # was earned. Carl always believed that BASE jumping would catch on, and he was right. Your BASE number is your link back to the beginning of our sport.
To apply for a BASE Number, we need the following information:
1. Name and address, or a self-addressed envelope. Phone number is optional.
2. Name and/or location and altitude of each of the four objects.
3. Date of each object, especially the date and TIME of your qualifying jump. The time of your qualifying jump is important in case someone else in the world qualified on the same day.
4. Any descriptions of the jumps or jump stories will be appreciated and will remain strictly confidential.
5. On the subject of donations, we ask for $10 to issue a number to help cover our costs for postage and supplies, totally voluntary. If you want the plastic card with your number and qualifying date and Carl Boenish's signature embossed, there is a $5 fee.
In respect for privacy of individuals and integrity of the BASE Numbers, we will not be issuing them by email. Our original BASE Constitution requires confidentiality. We will take the information about your jumps by email and lock in your qualifying date until we receive your letter.
We wait thirty days after the date of your qualifying jump to issue your number and make sure the rest of the worlds mail has time to get here.
Rick and Joy Harrison
7316 Houston Drive
Hitchcock, TX 77563