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Thread: PC for terminal jumps

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    PC for terminal jumps

    I'm hoping to open up a (possibly) terminal wall in the near future. Looking for recommendations what kind of pilot chute I should get. BR have recommended 36" small-hole mesh PC and small-hole mesh slider for terminal jumps. At this point I'm not 100% sure what kind of delay I'll take off this object on the first jump. A rock drop has been done in the past with impact at about 13 seconds, so I'm definitely going slider up. I'd like to plan for anything between, say, 8 seconds and terminal.

    I have a non-vented Fox and also a vented Fox. Any recommendations what setup would be acceptable in both the 8-second range up to terminal?



    P.S. Currently I own two velcro rigs -- the velcro is in good condition. I think this should be alright for a handful of jumps, but am definitely planning on getting a pin rig if we're going to make a habit of this particular jump.

  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    >Looking for recommendations what kind of pilot chute I should get.

    I'd use something in the 36-38 range, in F-111 fabric (not ZP).

    >I have a non-vented Fox and also a vented Fox. Any recommendations what setup would be acceptable in both the 8-second range up to terminal?

    For the first jump, I'd go with a large mesh slider, the vented FOX and a 38" F-111 PC. That way if something unexpected happens (say, you spot a big ledge in freefall that you hadn't seen before) you'll be okay to get out early--and you'll still have a setup that will work fine at terminal. You may as well start slow, if it's something you can go back to over and over. After you jump it once, you can start taking deeper delays (and move to a smaller PC and small mesh slider--and the unvented canopy).

    Have fun.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    I agree with Tom on the set up.
    I wanted to add that a velcro rig is perfectly fine for terminal jumps if they are in good condition. I own 2 (now 3) velcro rigs that I routinely take to terminal and I have had no problems. Maybe close to 200 jumps with many of them being ariels in the 8-22 second range. So before you go out and spend any extra money think about that.
    That being said, I still would like to have a new pin rig. :D
    Jason 570
    can't wait to read the book!!

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    Thanks for the responses, guys!

    Next question - I've gotten used to using large-hole mesh stuff for BASE, and honestly the idea of using a small-hole mesh slider or pilot chute wierds me out a bit. Realistically, I know that if it's okay for terminal skydives then it should be okay for terminal BASE jumps, too, but you know how it is. What is the advantage to using small-hole mesh over large-hole? For the first jump from this object, anyway, I think large-hole would be preferable just because of the "didn't see that ledge" scenario - even though I'm obviously going to check things out very carefully, there will always be that voice in the back of my mind wondering if I might have missed something, and I won't really know until I've jumped it.

    The smallest BASE pilot chute I currently own is a 40" zp with a handle. I don't want to spend a fortune on pc's, so I want to get one which will be appropriate for the first couple of jumps, but also if we keep jumping this object - basically I want to extend my range as much as possible with a single pilot chute purchase. Would the 40" be appropriate for the first jump from the object (probably 6-8 seconds), or is it a bad idea? Would a 36" f-111 be appropriate for the first jump?

    Thanks, guys! All my experience so far is in the 0-3 second range, with some focus on the "0" end of that one, so the terminal (& transition to terminal) thing (in a BASE environment) is new to me. Any help is appreciated!


    P.S. Jason - I have the book, but don't have an address to send it to. E-mail me!

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    I have a 2000' "A" that we regularly jump. I own a BlackJack and a Perigee PRO (pin rig). I have jumped with large mesh and a sail with 38" and 32" ZP vented apex PC's from CR. I have had no problems with either set up. I found the sail slider and 32" PC make for a very nice terminal opening. I usually delay about 12-13 sec. and that works well. The opening is noticablly slower than with the mesh, but not uncontrollable for that kind of delay. I think Tom's recomendation is very valid. That would be a good choice for the first time of two on a new jump. If I had to buy only one other PC I would definately get a AV series 36ish size from CR. I've had good luck with them and they give you that extra option for high stuff. For the 6-8 sec stuff I think I would stick with the 40" though. I use a 42" for that myself. But thats just what I happen to have. I also found that getting the ground crew to video the jump and then reviewing the opening helps guage what to do next time. Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    Hi Michael,
    I sent you my address a while back but I'll send it again.

    In my opinion, with a 6-8second delay you will be fine with a 36". My first 100 or so 6+second delays were on a BR 36" F-111 small mesh. Good extraction rate, heading performance, consistency etc. I now own a 34zp vented large mesh from MT that I use on any thing over 8 seconds although it has been used at 6 seconds with no noticable difference in the extraction rate... but it does take more altitude to get a fully open canopy. (I think this has to do with the canopy inflating in slower airspeeds and has nothing to do with the PC) If you plan on going shorter, 4-6sec., go with a 38". Anything over 6 seconds buy yourself a 36", if you plan on going longer more often a 34" or a 32" will work fine.

    Also, with concern to the slider.... NEVER use a sail slider on a BASE jump. The openings are not very consistant in regards to the altitude required to open and heading performance degrades with their use. With a large hole mesh slider you can really begin to dial in you openings with a great amount of precision. I regularly deploy at 300-400ft from terminal with my set-up(34zp+large mesh) which I would never ever do with a sail slider. Most people, even on the big walls (20+ sec. delays)are using mesh sliders. Sail sliders have little if any use in BASE in my opinion. If your looking for soft openings try skydiving :P :D

    I'll tell you what, since you are being so gracious in letting me borrow that book I'll send over my 38" PC for you to use for a few jumps or I can send the 36F111 although it might not be the best for your 1st jump there you could use it for subsequent jumps, just to get a feel for the difference. I'll send both if ya want.
    I'll get my address sent out ASAP let me know what yours is
    Later, Jason
    Naked BASE #15

  7. #7

    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    >Naked BASE #15

    just for statistics...

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 :D
    Naked BASE #14

  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    I think you might need to go back and re-visit your PC choice for 6-8 second delays. I don't know who taught you that but they are wrong. A 42" is way too big for that delay. Your risking damage to your gear (and you)with this choice. If you don't have the proper size PC for the delay don't jump or jump an appropriate site. You should also change your sail slider to a mesh one (see above/below post to Michael), especially at the site you are jumping. Very few outs, limited landing areas, tall trees. They could all come back to haunt you if the sail slider takes just a bit longer than you had anticipated. Please take care in jumping the sites in our state that 515 and I have worked so hard to open up!
    Thanks, Jason

  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    Thanks for the advice. I actually did switch over to the mesh for pretty much everthing. But I never really had any problems with the sail, it does hesitate a bit though. I'm still playing with some combinations.
    Blue Skies

  10. #10
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    RE: PC for terminal jumps

    >Thanks for the advice. I actually did switch over to the mesh
    >for pretty much everthing. But I never really had any problems
    >with the sail, it does hesitate a bit though. I'm still
    >playing with some combinations.
    >Blue Skies

    Sweet, good to hear. I'm glad that you haven't had a 'problem' yet with the sail slider but the funny thing about 'problems' is that they always happen at the most inopertune times:-( . Oh and the slight hesitation that you talked about IS a problem in BASE.
    Stay safe and have fun, maybe we'll meet sometime and make a few!
    Jason :)

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