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Thread: Fatality on Italian terminal wall

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  1. #1

    Fatality on Italian terminal wall

    I report here as follows my translation into English of what #726 wrote in the Italian BASE Board.

    "Yesterday 5th April 2003 on Italian big wall there has been a fatal incident involving a 27 y.o. Russian jumper.
    Inspection on equipment will reveal the incident causes. For the moment, the only certain fact is that a 180° off heading opening caused the impact against the wall, momentarily the canopy (and the jumper) remained hanging from the wall, after few minutes the jumper was falling down along the wall and talus.
    The intervention of alpine rescue was prompt, but unfortunately alpine rescue has been able only to recover the lifeless body of Russian BASE jumper.
    # 726"

    My sincerest condolescenses to family and friends of poor Russian jumper.

    We shall all meet together in that place where there are no more tears.

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 :D

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Fatality on Italian terminal wall

    Very sad news. My condolences to the russian crew.



  3. #3
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Ignorance or stupidity..........?

    Since hearing the details of the incident, I shall give MHO probability of the contribution of the fatality. Lack of experience leads as number one. From the details I recieved, he had MAJORLY not met numbers 1,2 and 6 of the 10 self regulation codes designed by the local jumpers in coalition with the "Provincia di Trento" in order to re-open the site after the first shutdown of the site due to a fatality. These self regulation codes are posted at the LZ in Italian, English, and German. Shall we print it in Russian also? is this what is needed by the experienced jumpers who brought this jumper here? I think not, is it only a cultural difference? but let us debate it. IMHO, If one wishes to not abide by the locals regs, then bring your group to a place where the regs are more to your culture´s needs. Maybe like in your culture. I am angry now at the person who brought this highly inexperienced jumper there. Maybe we can get the Provincia to give your group special waivers to bounce your expedition members without affecting our access. Flame me online, PM, or via email. but I really think the Organizers of this expedition played a significant role in this fatality and the other object strikes incidents in another part of Europe on the same expedition.
    PS, helmets are cool!
    PSS,What more languages do the self regulations codes need to be translated to to?

    take care,
    flame on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4

    RE: Ignorance or stupidity..........?

    Sad news...Condoleances to family and friends...

  5. #5

    RE: Ignorance or stupidity..........?

    Can anyone post what those 10 self-regulation codes are? I'd be interested in reading them.

    My condolences to the jumper's friends & family. ;(


  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    RE: Ignorance or stupidity..........?

    My condolences to the jumper's friends & family

    werry sad;(
    Have Fun

    Being dead but not dead BASE #!
    Nominated by Spiderman...

  7. #7

    RE: Ignorance or stupidity..........?

    Rules at Brento:

    LI> Be in possession of a parachutist's licence with at least 300jumps; 100 of them done in the last months;
    <LI> Have at least 15 Base jumps. To accede to every other site in Trentino, at least 50 jumps will be required;
    <LI> Obligation to use specific BaseJumper materials and equippments. Forbidden to use parachutists sporting's equippments, both original and modified.
    <LI> Forbidden to do jumping activities when there are adverse weather conditions or, in any case when wind is blowing more than 2m/sec.
    <LI> Always do a check in-out procedure, with land accompainers or by a carabineer local station (phone: 0464/504312);
    <LI> For eventual rescue calls, phone to : n. 118
    <LI> Follw exclusively free-fall's times and modalities expected for the site, also in relation to the used equippment. From 7 to 8 seconds for vertical free-fall (box position)or, from 7 to 11 seconds for who is able to do a effectual drift.
    <LI> Jumpers, who are in possession of monosail equipment must do an effectual drift untill they have passed away the baseboard, which is situated at the base of the wall "Vertigine";
    <LI> On the exit, move with extreme caution, avoid stone falling and have care and respect of the ambient, not leaving around rubbish;
    <LI> Do not jump during the night.

    If rule 1 and 2 have not been applied, I totally agree with Space: the "instructor"/initiator has a very heavy responsibility for this fatality.

    Mark Masek

  8. #8

    RE: Ignorance or stupidity..........?

    Please help me write a News article on this Space...or anyone!

  9. #9

    RE: Ignorance or stupidity..........?

    >Can anyone post what those 10 self-regulation codes are? I'd
    >be interested in reading them.
    >My condolences to the jumper's friends & family. ;(


    1. Be the holder of a sport skydiving licence and have done at least 300 skydives, of which at least 100 in the latest 12 months, if student. It must be considered “student” whoever jumper has not yet done at least 15 BASE jumps under the supervision of an acknowledged BASE jump instructor (*).
    2. Access to BASE sites of Province of Trento having done at least 50 BASE jumps with the exception of M. Brento where it is enough to have done 15 BASE jumps.
    3. Use exclusively equipment and material SPECIFIC for BASE jumping (*). Do not use sport skydiving equipment, original or modified.
    4. Do not jump in case of adverse meteo conditions, wind magnitude greater than 2 m/sec or insufficient visibility (*).
    5. Always do a check-in - check-out procedure with ground crew or with other equivalent reference (*).
    6. Follow strictly times and procedures established for the particular site, also with reference to equipment in use. For jumps from M. Brento they are recommended the following times and procedures for freefall: not less than 7 and not more 8 seconds of vertical freefall in box position, or not less than 7 seconds and not more than 12 seconds for the jumpers capable of doing an EFFECTIVE track (at least to pass over the talus). BASE jumpers equipped with single canopy rigs shall have to do an effective track in order to pass over the talus at the base of the “Vertigine” wall.
    7. Do not jump after ephemeris (sunset).
    8. Once on the exit, move with extreme caution in order to avoid fall of stones.
    9. For possible rescue calls, call 118.
    10. In case or helicopter rescue, the canopy, if possible, shall be cut away and discarded or folded and disposed in order not to be affected by turbulence caused by helicopter rotors, avoiding so a dangerous source of danger for both the possible dragging of the injured jumper and the helicopter.

    Take care and respect for the environment avoiding also to litter.

    (*) technical details and other specific informations are in the annex appendix.

    NEVER exceed the suggested freefall seconds, also to be certain to reach the designated landing area, so avoiding dangerous “off-field” landings!

    Elapsed the maximum number of allowed seconds of freefall, THROW anyway, even if in unstable position!

    PRIORITY so to elapsed seconds and not to opening body position.

    POSITIONS of freefall different from the ones hereinabove mentioned make the maximum freefall time vary dramatically. As far as Monte Brento is concerned, it is advised at least 30 jumps before doing freefall in non-standard positions (freefall on the back, looping, etc.)

    HELIRESCUE. In case of rescue on the wall or in exposed zones, it is very important for own and rescuers safety to neutralise the main canopy or cut it away once been hooked onto the winch.

    Meteorological Conditions
    Before jumping it is mandatory to get from local expert basejumpers the available informations about the site itself, with particular care about meteo condition suitable to guarantee the safety of the jump. With reference to Monte Brento it is important to take into consideration that in summer periods there are particular conditions. From beginning of spring to the end of summer it is always present an airflow coming from nearby Lake of Garda (from/at south of Brento) and that goes along the whole valley northbound. It is a wind that starts about mid morning and keeps on blowing until after 5pm in the afternoon and can reach 10 m/sec of speed! Given also the geological conformation of Monte Brento that faces the valley, in this time zone strong turbulence are regularly created and such winds make the jump absolutely impossible.

    Depending on general meteo conditions of the area, there can be exceptions to the standard situation that must be evaluated case by case by local basejumpers expert on the matter, the absence of wind on the valley bottom does not exclude absolutely the presence of strong winds or turbulence at the various heights up to the exit, and viceversa. It is anyway always valid the prohibition of BASE jump activity with the presence, at the valley bottom, of wind whose speed exceeds 2 m/s.

    The visibility must be sufficient to guarantee the orientation, above all at the height of designated opening. It must be also fulfilled the fact of jumping within the ephemeris (=before sunset). Such times are available at Control Tower of Trento Airport (0461-xxxxxx). NB: also the rescue vehicles do not do rescues after the ephemeris (sunset).

    Check in/out
    Another issue for guaranteeing the safety of jumpers are the check in/out procedures that must be carried out at ground crew care or other people’s care who will be available for the purpose (for jumps from Monte Brento: Bar Zebrata 0464-507146, and generally Control Tower of Caproni Airport of Trento 0461-xxxxxx). It must be notified “1 minute to jump” and “jump performed” as soon as possible. In case of groups it will be enough only one communication, but it will be care of the jumpers to reciprocally check the come back from landing. Mandatory for such purpose is the use of portable 2-way radios or mobile telephones, already suggested to facilitate possible recoveries or rescues.

    Specific Materials for basejumping
    Mojo, Fox, Dragon, Dagger, Raven, Cruiselite, Pegasus, Fury, Maverick,
    Note: list under updating with data from manufacturers from Australia, Russia, Republic of South Africa.

    Perigee, (classic, II, Pro). Reactor, Prism, Alpine, Vertex, Vision, Susy, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock,
    Note: list under updating with data from manufacturers from Australia, Russia, Republic of South Africa.

    It must be comprehensive of trekking boots, hard helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. For students it is strongly advised a large suit of the freefly kind: in case of unstable exit, it facilitates the recover of stability within 8 seconds.
    It is furthermore very important to have 2-way radios or mobile telephone, mandatory to ask for and to address possible rescues, for themselves or for others.

    We report as follows the list of BASE Jump Professional Instructors to whom it is acknowledged the capacity, the training and authority to conduct BASE jump courses and supervise students along their first jumps also from Monte Brento.

    - Tracy Walker (USA)
    - Mick Knutson (USA)
    - Adam Filippino (USA)
    - Ken Miller (AU)
    - Hannes Kraft (GER)

    This list will be however updated with other names approved by hereinabove reported instructors.

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 :D

  10. #10

    RE: Ignorance or stupidity..........?

    First af all my condolences to the russian jumper's friends & family.
    Hope we'll meet in a better situation...
    About the article of BASE#689 I think were written in a Ignorance atmosphere..
    Livin' 4 Groundrush
    B.A.S.E. #485
    Risin' to the Top
    A.D. #38

  11. #11


    F U C K I hate logging to see this news my heart goes out to the russian crew..

    turn to your mates next to you and give them a big hug and enjoy every day but dont change, live your lives to the fullest

    "your hear for a good time not a long time"
    feral 1999

    bsbd feral

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

  12. #12

    RE: Fatality on Italian terminal wall

    Best wishes to the family. Time does heal.

  13. #13

    RE: Fatality on Italian terminal wall

    Condolences to all concerned...

    BASE 621

  14. #14
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    BR Vertex 2 / Reactor 3

    RE: Fatality on Italian terminal wall

    My deepest condolences to the family and the friends.
    Sad days...
    Mucho BASE!
    V. #1075

  15. #15

    RE: Fatality on Italian terminal wall

    Condolences to friends and family of the russian jumper.

    May the accidents decrease in 2003.

    Keep the extreme visions alive.

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