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Thread: Buzz off bozos

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  1. #1

    Buzz off bozos

    Well, thank you very much, once again for killing yourselves on Norwegian turf! Why don't you bozos stay home and die on your own home turf? Can anyone explain to us Norwegians why Basic Research keeps coming to kjerag with its loads of nitwits? Could it possibly be motivated by money??? Just let us know what makes you think you can come to Norway and do whatever the f**k you want? Why don't you arrange your tours in your own countries. Out of 8 deaths the last 6 years, 7 (yes, seven) have been foreigners. And you are certainly not the ones who jump the most in Norway.

  2. #2
    Jolly Jumper

    RE: Buzz off bozos

    I (beeing Norwegian) can somehow share a tiny bit of the arguments in this message. BUT whats the need for beeing so agressive? I think this agressive message lack a minimum of respect and does nothing good at all! We should rather discuss what to do about this as grownups! The harsh tone doesnt bring us any further and I sertanly want visitors coming ower to share the walls with us! (in a safe way)
    take it easy !!! Jolly J
    P.S wy is so many coments on this site so agressive?

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Buzz off bozos

    you wrote
    "P.S wy is so many coments on this site so agressive? "

    i think it is due to the fact that it is much easier for a person to type aggresively that it is for them to have a measured, reasoned discussion, whether verbally or typographically,(yes in my world i can make up words).
    this combined with the fact that many of us are rude leads to the agressiive tone.

    i had a great time in your home and hope to return next summer.

    stay safe


  4. #4

    RE: Buzz off bozos

    "bozo" is a word used by heidi all the time, is that a coincidence??? And Heid you have never been to Norway so stop trying to act like one of them and stop trying to use another unfortuante death to attack your personal enemies!

  5. #5

    RE: Buzz off bozos

    If this were a real Norwegian jumper, they would have signed their name. I've never met a Norwegian who lacked the courage to stand behind his or her own words.

    And, indeed, what Norgie uses the word "bozo?"



  6. #6

    RE: Buzz off bozos

    I was at a DZ where a Norweigian lady caused a canopy collision killing an American jumper but you didnt see anybody pointing fingers at the person from out of town.

    She was brought here by more experienced jumpers but is it really there fault? You can blame everyone you want but in a sport that involves jumping from large rocks and falling for 15 seconds, people are simply going to make fatal mistakes.

    I agree that some people shouldnt base jump, but when I was in Norway it was a local who had the wall strike not just a visitor. And on the next jump it was an Italian who struck the wall while on his back, so just because an american is killed, dont hold it against the rest of us who came to your beautiful country and didnt leave a trace!

    Stay safe

  7. #7

    RE: Buzz off bozos

    add a spaniard to the list of those requiring rescue:

    Too many skydivers thinking they can BASE jump, sounds like.

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